I suffer with you. This is my first place so I didn’t have as good an eye of what to look out for. Now after having lived in this place for a while I realize the previous owner took a lot of shortcuts and did a really crappy “remodel” job.
Hedwig and Fred Weasley
That’s exactly what happens in an episode of the fairly odd parents
I liked season 9 too and agree that it was finding its footing and believe it would’ve gotten there if they were given more time. I also feel like I’m in a minority about the whole spinoff vs not a spinoff thing. I understood what it was whether you called it Scrubs or something else and am a little baffled at how upset people got over that aspect.
I really hate it when they make the website unusable to force you to use their app. So for that reason alone I’ll never download the yelp app.
So like a Mr Meseeks?
Isn’t that kinda true for all fast food these days? If time travel existed I’d use it to try fast food back when it was supposed to be good to see if memory lives up to the hype.
I’m still waiting for muppet princess bride
When Homer drives his mom to the middle of nowhere so she could meet up with some friends to escape the police and he just stays there even even after she’s long gone long enough for day to turn into night.
I’ve never seen the movie. Reading the summary was enough to mess me up. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to watch it.
I feel like this would be right up Leslie Knope’s alley