I showed my wife memes FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
I’m practicing the pronunciation right now.
I’m with the Ico and Shadow of the Colossus stans, but I’d be curious how your emulation handles the light effects. PCSX2 struggles in my experience.
I mean…ghost fuckin’.
Fresh reference. That waffle party is yours for sure.
1981 Yamaha turntable and receiver pair. Dad bought them new for my grandparents and I inherited the set when they passed. Fabulous sound and function!
The way it’s meant to be played.
I’m thinkin “Thickachu”
Forced labor farms for those deemed mentally unfit for society. That’s his solution. Fuck that, fuck him, and fuck the fascist slavery fetish.
I don’t care how many times a day a stopped clock is right. FUCK THE CATO INSTITUTE.
The man. Has a dead worm. In his brain.
I just fuckin’…
No quarter for the dishonorable!