You take to being a piece of shit often?
Knowledge of Good and Evil. The cause of the fall of man
Came to say the exact thing😂😂😂
“Young Fox” great name, it’s what the “T” in “tgs” stands for.
This is my point. I’ve grieved for those dead at the event. I believe they were killed.
I don’t believe Trump was shot and so I come to the conclusion he has planned this entire thing. This is what I’ve come to expect from Trump in his reach for Power.
If I am wrong, I’m sorry and willing to admit being wrong.
However, the reason I would be wrong is because Trump is a liar.
I see it as asinine to believe that Trump wouldn’t have his own supporters killed.
You bring up Russia but false flags are right out of the Pig Putins Book. A man with much praise from Trump.
I won’t zip it because I don’t believe he was shot. Until he admits otherwise, I am under the belief that he had his own supporter killed to use their names as a Martyr and say he took a bullet for America
The thing is he couldn’t even wear the Pressure Bandage for more than one night at the RNC. He won’t even pretend he has a boo boo for America.
He is the liar
Edit. Let me add that since bringing this up I realized Trump met with a Putin puppet 2 days before shooting.
I genuinely, since the day it happened, have not believed that Trump was shot.
I watched over and over again and I swear what I saw was WWE theatre.
I would have believed an attempt on his life, from someone anywhere on the Political spectrum (I even said this before info about the shooter came out).
However, I don’t believe Trump. He has had a white mark on his ear for years. The “scab” that he’s playing off as a wound has been there for years.
He is the liar/the first beast!
So when a 12 year old is having their flow every week, what happens then?
Less of a piece of shit then. My apologies OP.