
joined 2 years ago
[–] teslasaur 0 points 1 month ago

Absolutely agree. None of the many parties in my country have a program that resonates completely with me. That means that i have to think about which issue is the most important for my community or my family when I vote.

[–] teslasaur 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Calling it a fluke is kind of missing the point. Plants that where/are better at making use of the atmosphere as it is, will be the ones that thrive. If the atmosphere was different, different plants would exist.

[–] teslasaur -3 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

And yet they are doing so.

Not in the way the nazis did. So perhaps drop the equivalence.

Are they walking into universities and executing teachers?

[–] teslasaur -4 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Talk about missing the point.

I'm not the one you need to convice, you fucking tool. You need "the other people" to agree with you. The fact that you live in a #problematic democracy doesn't change that you need votes.

The parallells fall apart immediately, since that happened pre-information age. Whatever the nazis did to undermine the educated is borderline impossible to do today. Whatever is happening today is different. It's probably worse in that no information can be trusted, in comparison to no information being available at all.

Do you keep this copy-pasta to actually try to convince people?

[–] teslasaur -3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

"right wingers" or "decent people". Choose one, because they are mutually exclusive.

Your words. Literally. Stop labeling people.

[–] teslasaur -5 points 1 month ago (9 children)

You're judging people based on some flaky righty-lefty dogma that attempts to put people in teams. Stop doing that, and think a bit more logically. People have a million different reasons for thinking a certain way about different subjects, and they might still be kind people. Of the top of my head, i remember the pair of guys who let Borat stay with them. They had the most insane ideas about politics that i've ever heard. But they let a random "immigrant" stay in their house, and didn't utter a single word of complaint. So you'd think they are pretty tolerant. Much more tolerant than a lot of people who vote left that i've mer. Those are the kind people that you lose to the other side. Especially when you call them evil, or whatever you think they might be.

My gut feeling? You did lose the election. Are you not living in the same world I am? You have lost touch with what people want and prioritize.

Judge people on action, but don't fucking label half your country as evil. Many of them have been spoonfed lies like religion since birth.

[–] teslasaur -5 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (11 children)

This attitude makes liberals lose elections.

Of course there are decent people on "the right". What would you call them if theoretically, they voted for what you want? Would they still be terrible people, just voted correctly?

[–] teslasaur 1 points 1 month ago

We're a group of guys that all have girlfriends whose name start with "A". They got labels in order of appearance: A1, A2... A5

Funnily enough we have 3 with the same name and the remaining 2 with the same.

[–] teslasaur 16 points 1 month ago

We had those old alphabet books in school where N was "neger"

I believe the print date was around the 1950s. They were placed on bookshelves in classroms full of old books that i guess they never bothered to throw out.

[–] teslasaur 2 points 1 month ago

You put my own thoughts into words. Clarkson reminds me a bit of my uncle.

[–] teslasaur 2 points 1 month ago

Forceful "scrotumectomi" would suck. 0/10

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