America’s pearl clutching around all sexual topics is so insane to me. 13 year olds are gonna think about their genitals and who they’re attracted to, so why is it that we have to treat the idea of sexuality as taboo? God forbid adolescents don’t feel shame for completely normal feelings
I swear I originally replied to some guy saying this was propaganda, but the comment is gone now
bakeries being hot doesn’t make sense?
I browse all and I would say there’s more content now than when I joined. It’s much easier to find content where actual discussion is happening too
I doubt this was used for legitimate bear hunting personally. Seems more for show than for something functional
The chart in the article doesn’t specify a generation, so I seriously doubt it’ll come out on Playstation at all if plans don’t change
PopSci is tricky because on one hand, it’s great that there’s a lot of interest in learning about science and it should be promoted, but on the other, the vast majority of research is so complex that you literally cannot explain it to the layman without making it wrong in some way.
I believe that the massive scale of corruption that exists within the capitalist system necessitates rebuilding from the ground up. Part of the solution is going to be intentional communities (I hope anyway) where we’re building communities with the intention of solving some of these large scale problems (scarcity, pollution, racial injustice, etc) in the community. There’s a collection of already existing communities on where you can find resources on how to build a community or where to find them. There’s every flavor of community whether you’re looking for a commune, a spiritual community, an eco-friendly community, permaculture, etc.
The economy is doing better precisely because regular people’s lives are harder. A “strong” economy means more and more off the backs of everyday laborers. Not to mention intentional raising of unemployment rates to combat inflation. The system is fucked. There’s nothing in it for me and you.
did you try to steal the idol to buy time?
What did you read that made you think “This is blaming poor people!”?
going out of business after being established 140 years ago and they’re calling that failure. some people just can’t pat themselves on the back huh