Based miyazaki strikes again
Thanks for being a place to avoid the real world and its politics. it's much appreciated, truly.
Green christmas, ain't christmas. Give me snow, lots of snow!
And the big designer names are often the same cheap plastic item with their logo slapped on it. Hardly any brands are actually providing a significantly better product that justifies the exorbitant price tag.
The brand name is the only difference. Much like slapping nike and gucci 10xes the price of clothes.
Sounds like pure cope, but it really helps. I wait to drink any caffeine until 90 minutes after I've gotten out of bed. The brain can utilize the caffeine better that way and really gets me going.
I wear size 14US double wide. I usually wear brown boots , but last time I bought shoes, New Balance had some fun sneaker colors.
Are you a silo? Cuz damn thats a lotta grain
Some words cut deeper and hurt more than others
I ate ALL of my veggies even though they're icky and did ALL of my homework even though it was hard. Momma said that makes me handsome and smart.