
joined 2 years ago

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[Image description: Text box: "Mos Eisley, Vulcan:"

Captain Yrjö-Koskinen (the force ghost) is talking to Watto (the Star Wars character). The captain asks "Will you sell that metacausal navigation system and those self-sealing stem bolts for 20 000 Tortugan dollars, stol- I mean, expropriated from the bourgeoisie?" Watto answers "Bleh, your currency will lose all its value after your revolution is successful." ]

[–] surrealpartisan 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Even though I meant the second question as a kind of a synonym for the first one and the latter two as jokes, I'll answer all four separately myself to keep on monologuing.

  • As the author I should love all my characters equally, but I must say my favorite is probably either Catopus or Spock, because I have rather clear ideas of their personalities.
  • I of course know which characters will get more screen time in the near future, but that is going to be surprise. Instead I'll say on a general level that I would like to actually show some of the characters that have thus far only been mentioned, such as Dr. V. Eternal, the kibble-manufacturer H. Ellraiser, or god-empress Trinity.
  • I think that as a fellow scientist, Prof. Altort Einstoise might be interesting to hang out with.
  • On a deserted island I would like agent 1028 to accompany me. They are quite resourceful.
Who is your favorite character? (self.thetortoisewebcomic)
submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by surrealpartisan to c/thetortoisewebcomic

I am craving some interaction with my readers, even though there is just a handful of you, so here's a question or a few. Who is your favorite character of The Tortoise Webcomic? Who would you like to see more in the comic? Who would you like to hang out with in the real life? Who would you take with you on a deserted island to help you survive?


Read the whole strip at:

[Image description: Text box: "In Hell:"

Tortoise President appears from nowhere in between of Agent 1028 and Catopus with a popping sound. Agent 1028 says "There you are, Mx. Prez! I'm sorry we had to kill you with the banana-made killswitch, but it was the only way to get you where we are, since you were kidnapped. Now, who took you?" The President answers "You idiots! I am the president you brought from the past, not the kidnapped one!" The agent wonders "What?! Where is the other one, then?" Catopus says "I can explain." ]


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[Image description: Great Necromancer is discussing with the zombie of Captain Yrjö-Koskinen, saying "I have some reservations about joining your faction. I mean, I am evil, but becoming a bolshevik might be too much even for me!" The zombie Captain says "Guhrulll...", translated as "You will hold the absolute power. Also, we will give you a DVD box of Arnold Schwarzenegger movies!" to which Necromancer answers "Well in that case I'm in!"

Text box: "You know the thing necromancers have for DVDs." ]


Read the whole strip at:

[Image description: The force ghost of Captain Yrjö-Koskinen, Redcap, A Horse and two news box parasites are shown meeting Tortoise President. More anarchists are outside the frame. The Ghost-Captain exclaims "Instead of sending a representative, we all came to meet you, President!" The President says "Oh gee, there are lots of you!" Redcap then says "Due to the bolshevik zombie situation, some red dead prevention is needed. We want a peaceful solution. Are you ready to compromise?" to which the President answers "Listen, you super Makhno bros, I would rather die than -" ]


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[Image description: Two-Dimensional Ball-Eater is standing on top of a larger-than-themself pile of clementines. They say to astonished-looking Spock "Look, my love, I got a bunch of clementines. They are ball-shaped. Me eat balls. Ergo, me eat all these clementines!" ]

[–] surrealpartisan 2 points 1 month ago

And of course another thing is to change the direction of code interpretation as often as possible. That's why the example codes are written in a zigzag manner.

[–] surrealpartisan 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Yeah, I guess anything more complex or supposedly useful would need some sort of redundancy for robustness. The easiest way I can think of to reduce data degradation is to enlarge the data array enormously so that the bit flipping is less likely to hit the meaningful data, but that of course is not completely secure.


Furchtbar is a Frankensteinian esolang, stealing ideas from other esolangs for maximized horribleness.


Read the whole strip here:

[Image description: Text box: "The Chamber of Tortoise Politicians, Hell:"

Agent 1028 is leading a group consisting of Catopus and Tortoise Newstortoise, and says "So, this is where all our politicians come after they die." Catopus says "My favorite bar is nearby. They serve the most authentic cocktail of boiling blood and piss" to which Newstortoise comments "Freak". ]


Read the whole strip at:

[Image description: Blasphemous B. Bible is carrying a bottled soul on their horns and says to the zombie of Captain Yrjö-Koskinen "I bring gifts from Hell! The soul and the sewer demon you asked for. I left the demon outside as he smells like sewer". The zombie answers "Hurgl...", translated as "Diabolism may be the highest stage of capitalism, but our diabolism is different!" ]


I had a quite Star Trekky dream last night. In it, I wanted to give a signed print of The Tortoise Webcomic strip #1 to the actor Ethan Peck. He then recognized the comic as something I had been sending to him for review. He hesitated to comment, unsure how to say what he thought. When I asked him to put it like Spock would, he said "Scientifically speaking, this is the bullshittiest bullshit I have ever seen". I bursted out laughing, and explained that it is really funny that he hasn't seen any worse bullshit than my comic, and that it is funny to get such feedback from a celebrity. He was then hurrying to leave, but to be sure I could tell the story right, I asked him for his name (even though I did remember it, which is weird, because awake I wouldn't have), which made him be even angrier while he left. Then I went to tell the story to several TNG actors/characters. I was distracted by attacking klingons, whom I sedated with a vulcan neck pinch. However, the last one of them had too tall shoulders so I couldn't do it to him. Then I woke up.


Read the whole strip at:

[Image description: Spock arrives to find professor Altort Einstoise flipped upside down. Spock asks "Professor, are you okay?" The professors says "I was moist with my own mustard..." Spock corrects them: "You mean 'hoist with my own petard'". "Is that how it goes?", the professors asks. ]


Read the whole strip at:

[Image description: Text box: "The Tortoise President holds tightly onto the control over the nation. Or do they?"

Tortoise President is lying upside down behind a box labveled "Control over the nation", wearing an upside down hat for upside down situations. On the other side of the box, Blasphemous B. Bible arrives, saying "Tortoise President, I bring the greetings of Hell... What the hell has happened here?" The president answers "I was taking an official nap and then woke up like this. Please help!" ]

[–] surrealpartisan 3 points 3 months ago

Andre Geim got the Ig Nobel for this. He is the only person this far to have got both the Ig Nobel and an actual Nobel prize.

[–] surrealpartisan 1 points 4 months ago

Well, Python is my main programming language, so things being made with it gives me a feeling that I can understand and control them. Sometimes this feeling is even right, for example with Qtile, which is also configured with Python.

[–] surrealpartisan 2 points 4 months ago (2 children)

Qtile, just because it's Python-based.

[–] surrealpartisan 2 points 5 months ago
[–] surrealpartisan 2 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Reading also the earlier strips might help with that. (Unless your problem is specifically with the last panel punchline. That's just about different interpretations of the word "how".) Anyway, thanks for reading!

[–] surrealpartisan 5 points 8 months ago

Xonsh. For basic use (running CLI programs with arguments) it works like any other shell, and for other uses it has nice Python syntax (and libraries!). For example, I like not needing a separate calculator program, as I can do maths directly in the shell with an intuitive syntax.

[–] surrealpartisan 4 points 1 year ago

I like Terminator for its mouse-controlled multiplexing. I also like the fact that it's made with Python, although I haven't utilized this fact in practice.

[–] surrealpartisan 3 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

I'll start with Shiofaioth:

Fuin huomo, aokae lie-laik-duei mas uin toroic kuin uin poulaiseir, bue-ecoidae-duei faelid dai opia, daet hui toroic soe-baisen-xoai iroitedaefa hein touras huic poulaiseir-ki duil Rio Hudson.

[–] surrealpartisan 5 points 2 years ago

I don't know what Nitter is, but I think might be what you are looking for.

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