Only time in my life I’ve ever seen guards posted at night was when I was in the military.
I could see it plausibly happening in an area with major rioting and wide spread civil disorder. Other than that, nope.
Only time in my life I’ve ever seen guards posted at night was when I was in the military.
I could see it plausibly happening in an area with major rioting and wide spread civil disorder. Other than that, nope.
As someone who also visited DC recently, I will say that getting a three day Metro pass made using the subway super convenient, and having a map of the Metro system on my phone made it even more convenient. There are standalone apps available, but both Apple maps & Google maps ought to be able to show you the different lines & stations.
My most recent new state visited was Wisconsin back in 2014. I was in MN (specifically southeast side of the twin cities) for several days for a work trip. My colleague and I were sharing a rental car, and we figured why not go across the state line just for funsies. We wound up driving to Prescott WI, stopped for some pictures right across the bridge, visited a liquor store on the edge of town, and returned to our hotel in MN.
This was a very small sample size (about half an hour in total), so it’s hard to give a positive or negative recommendation based off of it.
I will note for the record that nearly 6 million people live in WI. It’s implausible that they could all be wrong, so clearly there must be a decent amount of upside to the place. I hear UW Madison is an amazing university. They have MLB, NBA, and NFL teams. They like drinking. They have plenty of museums and touristy shit and natural scenery. If you went there for a week and didn’t try to eat all your meals from the nearest gas station, I’m sure you’d have a decent time.
I’m antsy about getting stuff tailored because my weight is fluctuating a bit and I worry that any money spent on tailoring would be wasted.
I finished Doctor Odyssey and am looking forward to the next batch of episodes that are supposed to start in March.
I’ve started High Potential and am enjoying it so far. It’s not high art like The Wire, but it’s entertaining and the protagonist has some similarities to Sherlock Holmes.
I watched that show and it was very entertaining. The narrative reaches a fitting conclusion that makes sense within the show’s universe. There is apparently another novel with this same detective as a major character, so there may be potential for a season 2.
There’s nothing sexy about slacks and a long sleeve button down shirt.
You won't find many people who would seriously complain about that phrasing, but it would come off as awkward and stilted to most people from the US.
Awkward, stilted, and a little holier-than-thou.
And if you extrapolate this and start saying Mexico Americans and Canada Americans for people in those countries, you're just going to confuse people
Mexico American - doesn’t make sense
Mexican American - American whose origins lie primarily in Mexico
Canada American - doesn’t make sense
Canadian American - American whose origins lie primarily in Canada
Frankly, I think most Canadians would probably feel insulted if you addressed them as Canada Americans. They don’t want to be tainted by association with us.
I don’t identify as a US American.
I identify as an American.
Tap for spoiler
I realize that foreigners, in languages other than English, use terms that directly translate to US American. However our preferred nomenclature is American.
When interacting with someone from another country, I identify as an American.
When interacting with a fellow American, I identify as a resident of my state, where I have lived nearly my entire life, excepting times spent out of state & out of country while I was in the military.
When interacting with a fellow resident of my state, I identify as a resident of the major city in whose suburbs I reside.
When interacting with a fellow resident of the metro area, I identify with either the general region of the metro area or the specific municipality in which I actually reside.
She was also pretty good in The Penguin
I get a week and a half off without having to use any vacation time. Ideally, I’ll get to have a day where I can just sit on my butt and not do shit.
Sent this to family group chat. Consensus is that Grover is a better Dude, and Oscar fits as Jesus. After all, doing six months in Chino for exposing himself to an eight year old would explain why Oscar lives in a trash can.
Creep can fuckin roll though.