One of the things I agree with going into debt for, is long term food supply. We should be funding small farmers to expand as much as possible, float the small boats to ensure long term food security. I personally want to see sky scrapers with fiber optic cables and solar receivers on the roof to distribute sun light to each floor evenly, with windows that fully open to allow fresh air in, and on each floor full blown crops of every kind kept in a secure environment if needed since the windows don't have to open meaning you could grow bananas in Ohio in winter. And I want all the small farms to get it for free, the big ones can afford to pay for it. Grab that credit card and rack up a few trillion, this one pays for itself multiple times in a generation. Keep the food cheap and inflation for the most part is just for things you don't really need.
Grabs calendar Well hey that's when my life fell apart after they killed my puppy. -probably unrelated.
He isn't suggesting. He is stating the exact thing the supreme court ruled on. Anyone elected president can do whatever they want no matter how "illegal" and they are immune from prosecution IF what they were doing was in service to the country. This is what Democrats flopped over on that proved to me they are in on it. No supreme court term limits, or adjusting the way judges are appointed. Trump won't be the worst. The worst likely hasn't even gotten their public debut yet, they will execute their political opponents, take whatever they want, and rule like a modern Caesar, then maybe the congress will revolt and kill them, but the congress will never return their ill-gotten power, they want it for themselves.
Los Angeles Police raided a wedding today in hopes of capturing several God Fathers of a famous mafia family. You don't hear about that, like at all in the United States anymore. Because innocent people were getting hurt, and it was deemed too costly on multiple fronts including public opinion of simply traumatizing newly weds to capture someone you can nab when they leave the wedding, same with funerals. But the Israeli's do not see the Palestinians as humans, so there is no such hesitation on their part, and the world has yet to do jack fucking shit to reel in their rabid leaders, so apparently the world doesn't see the Palestinians as people unlike the relatives of mafia bosses.
Earl Gray. Hot.
IRL it's kinda hard to hit a dude if he's tussling with your buddy already. Good chance you'll hit your homie and be alone to face the combatant. Some self defense classes actually teach about using it as a technique so it's dangerous to attack all at once if you are in close quarters...
Utah prefers their public workers on food stamps.
New tech is always more expensive. So this is a dumb headline. Keep advancing it, selling it, and using it, and it will get better and cheaper over time. Removing carbon and the slew of chemicals that are too heavy to float off the earth is a requirement because they don't just go away...
Ooooooo I hate you so much... Here's how much! Does your subconscious have a conscience? A subconscious conscience? Yeah bitch you can't stop saying it, melted my brain welcome to my world.
This hits home. I have 2 failed companies to my name. First one flopped, second one I learned from my obvious failures and it got started, then folded when a client refused to pay and I didnt have the resources to fight it in court(single person business, no resources to fall back on as it was just starting out). So back to working the carnival. The second attempt took everything I had, savings, working 12hr days minimum, and every bit of my technical skills. While the first I was hoping for side cash and didn't invest as much time and effort and got practically nothing. I am not going to sacrifice like I did for the second one ever again, too much work to have it fail because of someone else, the place that didn't pay me ended up folding within a year so likely I just took on a bad customer, but if that's all it takes for a fledging business to become untenable for a single hardworking person to accomplish, then it's not even worth trying because there are so many failures out there that you have to weed out if they will be likely to pay or not.
While this is hilarious, likely because it's true. Dudes going after SSRI's. SSRI's saved my life. AND after using them for years I simply slowly reduced my dosage over about a month and I was off them and now only use them as an emergency pill if something really stressful or bad happens it keeps me from getting too emotionally raw and ragged. I have a supply to likely last me years so this doesn't impact me. It worries me for the people the SSRI's could help, but he wants to keep the drugs a way from.