Thanks! Have a nice day!
I think they mean all the notices and board that used comic sans.
Look what you have done! I used Operator Mono for Italics. I kind of like this!
Very interesting! Thank yo so much. Right now I am on Linux, but sounds cool.
Haha I have the same habit. Every once in a while I get the urge to change themes to make things look fresh. These couple of days it took a weird turn, now I'm changing themes + fonts lol!
Good luck with finding a good theme. I haven't used Rider but Sonokai, tokyonight, rose pine, falcon, gruvbox-material, oxocarbon are some good themes I found.
Understandable. I too love XFCE I love it more with Chacago95! LOL I used i3 as well! Loved it.
Have you used dwm? If so can you tell me if it's easier to use sdorfeh relative to dwm? These days I don't have much time to configure my wm. I just use dwm with no patches. Just some scripts to display the date and time, settings the wallpaper and etc.
The second time I heard about Victor Mono today. I might download it today.
I have heard good things about Cartograph. For a good font I would say spending some money is a good investment. Victor Mono was not my cup of tea though. Thank you for the suggestions!
Holy moly! Thank you so much! I am extremely grateful!
I tried Fira code and Fira Mono a few months ago, did not like them much. I should give a chance to consolas, I might like it. Oh I see... thanks! Oh you are on XFCE that's cool! I have it installed as well. With XFCE I used a theme called Chicago95, very retro like. I love it. These days I just use DWM, very minimal.
Huh that's really cool! I tried installing solarized on my neovim. With typescript and rust it did not look very appealing to me. I suspect it was a little different from the solarized theme I had on VSCode, which looked very nice. I should try to find some better alternatives.
I would like to try some!