Can this be easily self hosted?
It was very focused on printing arms. Foss drafting software and discussions about it were common, but it was not the focus.
No? I like the look of wood grain (especially red) on most things. I know this isn't an AK, but the aesthetics are clearly inspired by the AK.
I personally prefer ARs over AKs, but nothing beats the sex appeal of redwood grain on a classic AK
Which would be covered in sex ed already.
Bird shot from a long barrel should reach high enough, and the descending pellets would do minimal damage to property and people.
Shouldn't need a ton of power from the shot, just enough for the drone rotors to smack into and snap.
40 hours a week has been standard for decades. Each worker-hour is producing far more today than it did in the 70s. And yet we're are not getting paid proportionally more for that extra productivity or working less hours to achieve the same weekly productivity levels.
Something needs to give.
Lol. You have to resort to insults because you don't have a logical position
Holy shit a terabyte?