
joined 2 years ago
[–] steventhedev 5 points 4 months ago (3 children)

I think we finally figure out how to not poop for three days

[–] steventhedev 13 points 4 months ago (2 children)

You think it's out of hand now?

Just wait until 9am Moscow Standard Time on monday morning. It'll take a little bit of time for them to drink their coffee and have the morning meeting to figure out their talking points. The smarter ones will wait until 9am eastern before they start posting.

[–] steventhedev 18 points 4 months ago (2 children)

Those young machine spirits need their rest

[–] steventhedev 21 points 4 months ago

One upvote is not enough.

I once wrote a commit message the length of a full blog post comparing 10 different alternatives for micro optimization, with benchmarks and more. The diff itself was ten lines. Shaved around 4% off the hot path (based on a sampling profiler that ran over the weekend).

[–] steventhedev 67 points 4 months ago (13 children)

Ew no.

Abusing language features like this (boolean expression short circuit) just makes it harder for other people to come and maintain your code.

The function does have opportunity for improvement by checking one thing at a time. This flattens the ifs and changes them into proper sentry clauses. It also opens the door to encapsulating their logic and refactoring this function into a proper validator that can return all the reasons a user is invalid.

Good code is not "elegant" code. It's code that is simple and unsurprising and can be easily understood by a hungover fresh graduate new hire.

[–] steventhedev -5 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (6 children)

Yes. I'll read the content, but I try to avoid interacting.

~~Mind you, db0 himself is a tankie, although he doesn't seem to insist on imposing that on the users or communities on his instance.~~

EDIT: I stand corrected. Apologies to db0 for lumping him in with that crowd.

[–] steventhedev 4 points 4 months ago

Gotcha. So all horses are purple?

[–] steventhedev 2 points 4 months ago (1 children)

I hope you're wrong about both Israeli territorial ambitions and the unwillingness of Hamas to release hostages.

How are the Egyptian media covering the news?

[–] steventhedev 11 points 4 months ago (4 children)

In all honesty, there are a few outcomes that are potentially worse if he is dead: Hamas splintering into many smaller factions, or treating him as a silent leader and refusing to release hostages because "he hasn't ordered it".

Hopefully Hamas will confirm and whoever replaces him will agree to release the hostages.

[–] steventhedev 5 points 4 months ago

Sanctions have not been effective - AQAH has been sanctioned since 2007, and only the direct military threat on Iranian planes bringing cash seems to be having the desired impact.

The quiet part is here in the details - Iran is Hezbollah's financier - confirming what everyone has known for decades. AQAH is unlicensed, yet they do business with AQAH because they know that someone (Iran) will guarantee AQAH's debts. More importantly, it shows a path forward for Lebanon - to simply enforce their existing sovereignty and laws - punishing banks that do business with unlicensed banks.

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