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[–] stetech 4 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) (2 children)

Mit 1.000€ ist man vom Millionär so weit weg wie der Millionär vom Milliardär. (Mal außenvorgelassen, dass solche Summen nicht in Cash gehalten werden.)

Es gibt wenig gute Gründe gegen eine 90%-Steuer über 1 Mrd. € Vermögen. Und selbst das ist noch zu gutmütig angesetzt, aber Normalos werden trotzdem dagegen sein, denn „das könnte ja eines Tages ich sein, und dann wär‘ ich schlecht dran.”

[–] stetech 3 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

TL;DR: Depends on what you mean.

Long version:

Disclaimer: I’m not an expert by any means, I haven’t vetted the links properly (or at all), they’re mostly there for illustration and if you want to read further. Also, the last time I actually read up on this is quite some years ago, so stuff may have changed in the industry and/or my memory on specifics is foggy. Many of the links lead to Tesla sources since I first looked into this topic back before Musk made it known to the public that he’s an insufferable human being.

Batteries are usually structurally integrated into the chassis with modern EVs, since that means space (and often small weight) savings, and is easier/faster to do in manufacturing.

With that knowledge, it is safe to assume that replacing a car’s battery is a difficult or next to impossible task, outside of end-of-life reuse.

But this is actually where it gets interesting, since EV batteries last many years anyways: What happens when the car’s time has come?

Well… the batteries can be reused. It’s not a trivial process, there’s several ways to do it, but the best intuitive explanation I’ve found is this: In raw ore, lithium and other metals are present at maybe 0.1 or 1%, per tonne of material. In batteries, it’s maybe 99% of reusable, expensive material. Even if you let it be 90 due to inefficiencies in recovery, or whatever, it’ll still make way more sense financially to work with old batteries – once you have the process figured out and automated machinery to get it done in place.

All that is assuming total destruction of the existing cells, which, depending on their state, may not even be necessary at all. In fact, it looks like all of that may not be needed for as much as >80% of batteries. Wow!

And we all know the best way to ensure companies are doing something is if the financial aspect aligns with their goals. It’s in their best self-interest to be able to and actually do this.

So: Replaceability per car – eh, doesn’t look to great. Replaceability across the industry? Perfect.

[–] stetech 11 points 6 months ago (1 children)

This is why Unix orbs exist, man!

[–] stetech 4 points 6 months ago

Private concerts is a good one! And then hire overpriced organizers for those events, too :D

[–] stetech 9 points 6 months ago (3 children)

That’s equity. Not spent money, just less-directly-available cash… But if that doesn’t count, real estate technically doesn’t either… Really tough question, depending on the circumstance

[–] stetech 1 points 6 months ago

zshenv’s selling point isn’t necessarily that your typical functions are available across scripts (though that can be neat, too – I source aliasrc as well as an utils script file in my shell config) – it’s that it’s there for non-interactive shells too, whereas zprofile is only applied for login shells (and zshrc only for interactive ones).

So for example, I could open a command in my editor of choice (Helix’s :sh for me), and if I define stuff using the zshenv, all of my aliases etc. are right there. I just have to avoid naming conflicts for script function names if it’s the default shell, but that’s pretty easily done.

[–] stetech 19 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) (1 children)

Technically, she got more votes (edit due to being unclear: than Trump, in 2016). And not by a little, nearly 3 million people more voted for her over orange anti-republic anti-democracy man. But the voting system is unrepresentative, so it didn’t matter.

[–] stetech 3 points 6 months ago

Was das Thema angeht empfehle ich uneingeschränkt jeder Person die Lektüre von Manna.

[–] stetech 1 points 6 months ago

Yup. Read this and you will forever be against brain-uploading:

[–] stetech 1 points 6 months ago

But it’s true.

Coding is, like, the smallest aspect out of all of programming. And unfortunately the part that’s the most fun.

But if you’re a coder, I assume you don’t know how to design complex systems, just (maybe) implement them or parts of them. That’s not what defines programming.

(Disclaimer, in all fairness: that’s in my personal, layman opinion as someone who doesn’t know much theory. I might just be very very in the wrong here, lol.)

[–] stetech 3 points 6 months ago

Thank you for those two links!! I don’t necessarily have the time right now, but from first glance, those seem super interesting!

[–] stetech 1 points 6 months ago

<span>&copy; <?php echo date("Y"); echo $companyName ?></span>

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