
joined 2 years ago
[–] stellargmite 8 points 3 days ago

If we have to pay for access to something we then don't own, we may as well do it as a collective. So public libraries. Librarians in my country and city are excellent curators and, information and topics on display are more interesting and less insulting than what a pyramid scheme’s algorithm thinks I should ‘buy’ next. They're often topical, relevant to our local community and timely. Libraries and librarians have a vested interested in books being good for us, and the service being useful to individuals and community, which goes beyond physical books also as you say. Amazon is in a race to the bottom with total disdain and disregard for readers, authors and probably even the sellers.

[–] stellargmite 1 points 2 weeks ago

Haha yep. A queue dodger. “I’ll just take this shortcut. Later foolssss…..”

[–] stellargmite 3 points 2 weeks ago (6 children)

Not to apologise for this driver as he did get out and move them, but it’s also interesting that its only road cones preventing a car driving off this 2nd level ramp. Yeh it should be all thats required, but you know….people.

[–] stellargmite 3 points 1 month ago

Fair enough . Poor choice of petty insult on my part. I’ll stick to calling him a Nationalist since he calls himself that. And a rascist, which he is exposing himself as openly. A dangerous combination in politics, and yes, hateful. We are in agreement on all of that.

[–] stellargmite 4 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Yikes I forgot some think of Nationalism as a good thing…

I know the Greens have a host of colourful and strange members, but if you want to take on New Zealand's Nationalist party... return fire will happened

I guess NZ Fist being Nationalist is non controversial but I still find it a disturbing statement when spewed out so brazenly like that. What a complete circus buffoon.

[–] stellargmite 2 points 1 month ago

Very good question.

[–] stellargmite 28 points 1 month ago (9 children)

Non American , and non brit here. Why is this waste of energy so interested in the UK and Europe now ? I know there will be plenty of cynical takes which I will probably endorse however I’m interested in what his actual motivation might be. Does he just want parties in power in the given country that he has influence over for the sake of legislative advantage for his businesses? Or is it trollconomics for sake of driving signups to his failing social network I forget the name of?

[–] stellargmite 5 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Indeed. Might be worth mentioning Lobbying is not limited to corporations of course, but special interest groups, advocacy etc. No fear for those groups having their work on public record along with the corpos and who they met with, assuming nothing nefarious is going on. The more out in the open the better.

I’m a fan of more civics education as well.

[–] stellargmite 1 points 2 months ago
[–] stellargmite 1 points 2 months ago (2 children)

KiaOra, mind pointing me in the direction of that research if anything is available?

[–] stellargmite 2 points 2 months ago

wtf. I’m glad I won the lottery with where I was born. But saying that, it has to be a constant struggle to prevent that dystopia anywhere. Not luck. Were the shots required for visas? Did you look into the price difference getting them at your destination? - more out of curiosity . $200nzd is the highest price I could find for full dose here in NZ - and thats private (not publicly funded). Approx 100usd. Some of your others would be free. I’m guessing you’re not coming to NZ though so not questioning your choice to vax for whats required at destination - sensible. Just the absolute scam world you poor Americans have to live with. We are all headed there if we aren't careful, and keep our wits.

[–] stellargmite 3 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (1 children)

I’m a non dev and non IT worker but found myself using warp the last year on mac and linux kde for home things and work. I really like it particularly its history per tab and various intuitive usability things like click and drag to select text , copy pasteetc. The login requirement did creep me out, as well as the AI things I’m not using. I don’t trust businesses going in these directions. Anyone recommended another terminal cross platform (not that important i guess) and good for a non uber techie like me?

Edit: apologies I hadn't seen the earlier comment thread but perhaps my requirement mentions will produce some interesting replies.

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