They're just openly being their worst selves this time around. I wonder if they have any plans beyond burning it all down?
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They intend on turning NZ into Trump's America.
Yikes I forgot some think of Nationalism as a good thing…
I know the Greens have a host of colourful and strange members, but if you want to take on New Zealand's Nationalist party... return fire will happened
I guess NZ Fist being Nationalist is non controversial but I still find it a disturbing statement when spewed out so brazenly like that. What a complete circus buffoon.
I don't think we should sane wash this behaviour by calling him a circus buffoon. This is racism pure and simple. It's malicious and it's hateful. There is nothing baffoonish about it at all.
Fair enough . Poor choice of petty insult on my part. I’ll stick to calling him a Nationalist since he calls himself that. And a rascist, which he is exposing himself as openly. A dangerous combination in politics, and yes, hateful. We are in agreement on all of that.