Is there an award for the most British headline?
We were doing fine until the SuperCoral™ evolved the ability to breath air back in 2047… must’ve been some of that salamander DNA that we used. 
There was always that rumor he was a military sniper before becoming a kids TV show host.
Clearly Predator porn.
Well. I’m off to purge that image from my brain:-)
It’s definitely not lupus 😝
I call it: Man With Two Right Arms Draws House Md. During Colonoscopy
Not sure, but fish get ladders ;-)
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. I went looking for… well there was another site that listed them but it seems to be shut down now, so thanks for posting that.
I also ran across and article that mentioned IMDB having a page for every movie that had details on its original shooting format e.g. 2K digital/35mm/sony handycam (looking at you Blare Witch Project)… but I think that’s gone subscription only? Not sure, maybe just gone.
Followed shortly by ‘oh shit’ and ‘we dropped two weights’ then ‘guys, it’s getting kind of wet in here…’
Just kidding, mostly.
Serious question: how does a submarine know how much it weighs?