I noticed you excluded Danish.
I noticed you excluded Danish.
Isn’t that how Pringles are made.
I thought that from S5, after her mom and then she died, that it was the best part of the series. It stopped being as campy and showed much more character growth all around.
It may still drop if gas prices spike and tariffs reduce demand. Probably wishful thinking.
I agree, it would interesting to see the delineation of those age groups. There tends to be more group-think in the younger groups so I would expect more uniformity there.
Again agree on taking a holistic view. I mourn the deprecation of humanities in education. It’s part of the holistic view when combined with history to provide the how and why and help us make more informed decisions.
He’s neither a GFX or AI/ML expert so his opinion carries less weight.
Upvote for David Mitchell. It’s a depressing statistic though. The myth that we need a benevolent dictator needs to expire. Seems indicative of the defunding and malaise on the education systems.
They’ll require that consultants are hired through a company owned by a Trump subsidiary and pocket a percentage of the pay.
I can. It will be children that suffer, not the adults/parents who were already vaccinated.