There are a few results, but not the one I'm looking for, and none like it.
To be fair, CD/DVD burning peaked and declined extremely quickly in comparison to most other media technology. We went from nobody having a CD burner to most people ditching DVDs for blu ray and/or streaming in what, 15 years?
It's not just about openid/identity/authentication. It's also about syndication and subscription. For forums to fill the niche reddit fills, we would have needed much better tooling around things like RSS/Atom, to allow people to see and interact with content from many forums in a consolidated interface.
I think many of those people are conflating subreddit moderators with reddit site moderators/admins. On many platforms, "mods" refers to the top level people.
a lot of the invisible language used through game design from that era, I do not understand. There are many things that the game didn’t explain, and I assume they were just understood by players
A lot of the UI/UX and game mechanics from HOMM3 were taken from Sid Meier's games, like Colonization and Civilization. When you say you didn't understand stuff in HOMM3, I want to ask if you've played CIV6 or CIV5 or other modern games in that same genre? If not, you're going to be confused by them regardless of whether you're starting with CIV1 or HOMM3 or CIV6.
I just did an OS reinstall for the first time in about 4 years. Moving from Manjaro back to Arch. Happy New Year!
It looks like it would be really good for computer vision trying to play the game via AI
unless they’re sending the browser JavaScript covered by such a license.
I think the claim here is that they are.
Adding it to your bio could work, if the platform shows a history of bio edits. Tricky question, though.
I ask to get unbanned every few years. The "no" gets shorter each time. There are a lot of good people and useful info there, but the moderators are part of the problem.
you’re mad that someone dared stand up to Gaben and his monopoly
And you can tell that by how much they complain(ed) about Itch, GoG, Desura, and other competitors, right?
A long time ago I decided that since Windows required a reinstall due to a driver snafu I would install Linux on my desktop instead (which I had used before in school and for projects). I stuck with Linux as my daily driver for about a week before it got too annoying to handle, then I went back to Windows.
I repeated this cycle for a couple of years. Each time Windows required a reinstall, I switched to Linux. Each time Linux got insufferable, I switched to Windows.
One day I realized I had been in Linux for six months without encountering a compelling reason to switch back. That was ~15 years ago.