Ça fonctionne avec Sync For Lemmy 👌
Their previous game Craftopia was also on GamePass and somewhat successful. They probably had some leverage for negotiations.
SearXNG is a metasearch engine, aggregating the results of other search engines while not storing information about its users.
Why use it?
SearXNG may not offer you as personalized results as Google, but it doesn’t generate a profile about you.
SearXNG doesn’t care about what you search for, never shares anything with a third-party, and it can’t be used to compromise you.
SearXNG is free software, the code is 100% open, and everyone is welcome to make it better.
Our CEO came to visit us. It was fun. Some people couldn't make it because they were out on vacation.
Our department manager announced with less than a week's notice that he'll visit us after our CEO, for no specific reason, the weeks around the Easter weekend (Friday and Monday are public holidays so 4 days weekend). For the occasion he asked everyone in the team to cancel vacations approved months ago.
All department employees individually politely declined to cancel their personal plans or approved vacations and involved HR. HR wasn't aware of the manager's decision.
He'll be alone at the office for 2/9 visit days 😂
- In Egypt
Saved you a click.
Look into breakdancing lessons
Blockchain technology =/= Cryptocurrency
But I agree with you, the blockchain technology is amazing for transparency and integrity.
We make grossly exaggerated corny sex jokes when we're horny and want to get down to it.
wife is preparing hard boil eggs
Well... talking about hard balls...
And then one thing leads to the other 👍
Some research on this topic, for the case of Iran: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32387885/
Support websites show it's mainly faith-based recovery programs in Muslim communities:
YouTube has taught me that weapons are only used against menacing watermelons and disturbed canisters, in your backyard.
Swat Kats