The Hacker News crowd likes the reMARKable but I don't see what's so great about it. Inkplate is the only one I find interesting for now, and I'd want it to be bigger.
Hmm 4th gen is still pretty expensive, esp considering the smaller ram and SSD, but will consider. Thanks.
I had thought activated charcoal could remove the chemicals. No I don't mean city scale. I meant after the water comes out of the tap but before you drink it. City water has to be treated to not harbor too many germs.
I used a reflective laptop (Toshiba T1000) in the 1980s and today's stuff isn't really that much more functional, at least for text.
Might help to filter out the chemicals before drinking.
Tldr: chloronitramide anion, a decay product of the chloramine disinfectant routinely added to water. No one knows if it's toxic.
Big phone means same mostly proprietary software and spyware apps, hard to replace internal battery, limited software updates after which the device becomes obsolete, non upgradeable memory and storage, etc. By comparison my 2011 era laptop still runs current gnu/linux distros and has a swappable battery, HD/SSD, and other replaceable parts.
Thanks I didn't know about that. Interesting though pretty expensive and runs android 11 (I'd prefer to stay all FOSS). A convertible laptop is another idea, e.g. thinkpad yoga. Also would want easily replaceable battery which the inkplate has. The Boox sounds more like a giant smartphone, is that reasonable? This type of device should be nearly BIFL imho. 13.3" inkplate would be great.
Be careful what you wish for, the next one might be worse.
I figured I was the only one who didn't know what it was.
I might get an inkplate 10 (same size as Boox) but really want something bigger, like 14 inch or more, to read PDFs.
Someone in another thread suggested the pillow guy. That would have been epic.