until people can get help without fear of incarceration and healthcare sponsored therapy drugs have not won. people still suffer
also when the illegal drugs just funnel minorities into prison for slave labor the drugs haven't won
until people can get help without fear of incarceration and healthcare sponsored therapy drugs have not won. people still suffer
also when the illegal drugs just funnel minorities into prison for slave labor the drugs haven't won
ur funny
you saved nobodies ass and its EMBARRASSING youre taking ANY credit when you probably ask for help getting a milk jug out of the fridge.
you saved nobody. america now has saved nobody. soldiers arent heroes theyre people that want to survive stop glorifying the war and the us like we won a call of duty campaign. America wants its own people to die and they want to capitalize on it.
the military is for fuckn weirdos that like supporting oil tycoons and if youre forced to join then you have my utmost respect as that fucking sucks.
if ur gonna talk shit at least have something to back it up how many one arm pullups can you do, how longs ur planche, front lever etc? oh you cant do any of these things because youre a couch politician, soldier, and patriot i forgot. focus on something useful in your life. america doesn't wanna suck your dick
drugs have not won the war on drugs until everything is decriminalized B)
whatever liberal ill drink whatever i want
i just achieved my first pretty clean free standing handstand pushup
i also just planched for like 2 seconds yesterday but i havent replicated
and i did 10 muscle ups in a row (8 strict 2 shitty) among some other fun stuff
ur weird
and if i did what would you do with it
aside from payment info which is necessary info to give unless ur a crypto bro u cant do anything with that info
shitty retort but good try ig
u gave zero reasons or counter arguments u just said "im scared of god sending me to hell just in case he exists"
ur scared of a phantom, a possibility. nobody is going to regret anything. you'll be ok
one could argue two zeroes is more round than one
but how are they gonna be trendy online if they dont say they have a bunch of disorders and make zero lifestyle changes to accommodate?
lol if u say so
ill start guzzling dextro again if ur right just for u. i may need to borrow some tinfoil tho i don't want them sucking my ad preferences out of my brain :O