Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master.
Eeeh, considering it's followed by a warning not to feed the mealworms to farm animals, my bet is on "not for human consumption"
But what the crow wants to know is, are you taking avian sex as payment?
It's brutal, isn't it? 7 minutes of pure distilled existential terror
What about french press?
Gaston Lagaffe! Woof, what a shot of nostalgia. Don't think I've seen one of those strips since high school
Someone didn't pay to upgrade out of undead economy
Cartoon GI Joe or live action GI Joe? I'm inclined to cut cartoons in general a lot of slack in terms of physics abuse
Preach. Not to brag or anything, but I have cards for 3 different library networks. One at a time ladies
Which model, out of curiosity? (Kona EV here, mostly physical controls)
Spring break, I believe in you
Best read with a British accent, naturally:
There was a young girl from Nic'ragua
Who smiled as she rode on a jaguar
They returned from the ride
With the young girl inside
And the smile on the face of the jaguar