Yeah I see what you mean. There's a decent argument to be made that something like reasoning appears as an emergent property in this kind of system, I'll admit. Still, the fact that fundamentally the code works as a prediction engine rules out any sort of real cognition, even if it makes an impressive simulacrum. There's just no ability to invent, no true novelty, which -- to my mind at least -- is the hallmark of actual reasoning.
an open source reasoning AI
It's still an LLM right? I'm going to have to take issue with your use of the word 'reasoning' here
Uff que ortografía doctor
To paraphrase Gordon Ramsay, "a skilled vet could still save it"
Odd. Canada here as well, loads up a bit slow but gets there after maybe 10 seconds. No login required.
There's an expression in French, "enculage de mouches". Literally means "fucking flies in the ass" and, figuratively, refers to being impossibly pedantic and nitpicky. Closest equivalent in English would be "splitting hairs" I think
That's an odd way of spelling "taint tanning"
That didn't bother me but "Excel database" really rustled my jimmies
I'm certainly not a veterinarian and I'm quite prepared to be proven wrong, but yeah your explanation seems much more likely
These are strange times for Berry Club... Strange times
Honestly puzzled, why is the grocery store so awful? Inflation, or is it a social anxiety thing?