Oh Oh Ohhhhh Ozempic you know... ๐คฎ
They should have checked her hands for powder burns.
The only answer is to sell drugs.
I just want dental insurance to be included in basic health insurance plans for all. Nothing too radical.
We got enough microplastics in the ground.
...and Micro penises too.
When Trump steps in, first he will have phone sex with Vladimir, then the only help they will get is Don the con telling them to stop this nonsense and go home.
In this list.
Febreze is air pressure driven.
Was Elvis Presley a groomer and pedo? if so why was he so loved and not persecuted and prosecuted?
How do people that have to wear black nitrile gloves all day keep from having sweaty hands?
What is the secret to making LED light bulbs last as long as the package says?
I wonder how many US babies have been named Donald in the last few years and may live to regret it.
Anal Probe and no lube.