
joined 1 year ago
[–] slingstone 2 points 6 months ago (2 children)

Okay, then. So why is this a problem? What's the demographic breakdown of that total? You mentioned Hindus specifically, but what percentage of that total are Hindu? Why are Hindus problematic? Are there other groups that trouble you? Who are they, and why are they a problem? Are the groups that concern you monolithic and homogenous, or is it a subset of those groups that you see as a problem?

To be fair, I think replacement theory is nonsense, but I want to get down to the fundamentals of why you appear to think it's valid.

[–] slingstone 2 points 6 months ago (4 children)

The article is about the USA. At the point I commented, I didn't see anything to indicate anyone was talking about Canada. Regardless, someone has challenged your assertion further down the thread in the Canadian context.

[–] slingstone 4 points 6 months ago (20 children)

Well, the US has a total population of over 333 million, so...

[–] slingstone 9 points 6 months ago

A handsome, old, cigar-smoking swordsman with a dog Kuato. #retirement goals

[–] slingstone 1 points 6 months ago (3 children)

Thanks: that really makes me feel better. I'm hoping my little car keeps going, but I do need to take better care of it. I just had the crankshaft position sensor replaced to take care of a stalling/starting issue, and I feel like there's more to be done.

Would you mind answering some questions I have about my Soul as I look to do some of my own maintenance? If you don't feel like it, I totally understand, because I'm trying to solicit free advice from an expert.

[–] slingstone 2 points 6 months ago (5 children)

Yeah, I'm leaning toward keeping the Kia. It's paid off, anyway. I'm just going to be starting some heavy preventative maintenance on that GDI engine. I haven't done a lot of diy in the past, but some of the work seems pretty trivial, and the car can anecdotally survive 200-300K miles if I take care of it.

[–] slingstone 4 points 6 months ago

Yeah, that's my feeling. I just wanted to be sure I'm not rejecting a potentially good deal. Thanks for talking me though it!

[–] slingstone 5 points 6 months ago

You're right. I'm an idiot.

[–] slingstone 7 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) (2 children)

We're talking about the way a TV show starts called CSI: MIAMI.

Basically, there's always a clever remark from the lead, followed by the opening credits accompanied by part of a song by The Who.

[–] slingstone 25 points 6 months ago (7 children)

Queue loud song by The Who...

[–] slingstone 1 points 6 months ago

We need to organize an underground railroad for LGBTQ+, minorities, and dissidents now.

[–] slingstone 14 points 6 months ago (8 children)

Where are you planning to go? I'm inclined to want to leave, but I have no idea where to go.

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