Oh, thanks for the info. I always add two lines when I want a line break, didn't know you can add two spaces at the end!
Just looked it up, it's also on sale currently. Out of budget for this month, but will try to get it soon.
That sounds really bad. Thanks for the detailed response. I was thinking about playing mage but will remember your point and do a bit of research before starting.
Well, I'll have to see how disturbing it is, will take a look! Even if I don't get better it sounds like something worth trying.
Thanks for all the recommendations, will check them out.
Thanks for the recommendations, will check them out!
Nice. Have fun on your break!
Yeah, Witcher 3 is great. Do play both the expansions too.
I remember you mentioning it, I think I added it to my wishlist too. Haven't played it yet though.
How's the Veiguard? Want to play it soon-ish.
KC:D is pretty good, but very slow. You shouldn't try to rush through it. Just take your time getting better at things.
Yeah, I am becoming a fan of Atelier games too, its only my first one though, so would need to play and like a couple more games before I can call myself fan of the series.
I like schmups, but not bullet hells, unfortunately they both go side by side. Would love a schmup, that isn't a bullet hell.
Those cats were creepy.