
joined 2 years ago
[–] sleepmode 29 points 2 days ago

Always wondered this. I don’t think my cat gives a goddamn but she hides from strangers. My dogs know if I put on certain clothes it’s time for walkies and get excited. My old girl with poor vision will sniff my feet to be extra sure.

[–] sleepmode 51 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Reminded me of a typical argument between me and my delusional, selfish, narcissistic parents as a teenager. Saying anything at all would make them throw a tantrum.

Trump and Vance did the same type of thing: expected complete fealty after they had voted against Ukraine to join NATO and demanded respect when the previous administration were the ones that did most of the work beforehand. Getting pouty and shouty when he didn’t agree to their shitty “deal.” Brought up meaningless arguments about “respect” and not saying thank you when he had multiple times. Utter madness.

This was about putting on a show for their constituents and they would have done the same if he went in there kissing their asses. But he refused to play the game which made them angrier.

Vance bringing up the conspiracy theory shit about Zelensky putting on a show for visitors as if he was exaggerating is what really set me off. Anyone with two brain cells to rub together saw right through this bullshit song and dance.

[–] sleepmode 14 points 3 days ago (1 children)

I’ve had to use it for a week now. It has the most braindead, unintuitive UI I’ve ever seen. Unbelievably inefficient. So much wasted space. Parts that don’t make any sense at all. Notifications are a crap shoot. It crashes during conferences and blows through memory like mad. Whoever signed off on this trash is certifiably insane. Skype was uglyish and clunky but at least it worked.

[–] sleepmode 4 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Yep he was always a bit off color and said some eyebrow raising things at times. I wrote most of it off as banter and general crude joke style. Hell… my trans friend is the one that showed me the channel. It made me really question peoples’ true intent when they pull that crap now.

[–] sleepmode 4 points 5 days ago

Yes I started to notice it pick up in frequency and stopped for a while because of that. Gives me the ick. Then when he went on the tirade I realized his intentions. Ugh.

[–] sleepmode 18 points 5 days ago (7 children)

That completely caught me off guard and I was super disappointed.

[–] sleepmode 8 points 5 days ago

They have tools that let you cross-post effortlessly, so that’s strange.

[–] sleepmode 9 points 1 week ago

His "business acumen" is hostile takeover style from the 80s-90s. If the guy really studied up he would've known those types come in and slash and burn. No one is spared. They squeeze the juice out until a company is "lean and mean" and attractive to investors that want to liquidate or restart without old guard getting in the way. What a dummy.

[–] sleepmode 2 points 1 week ago

Hah, you never know. She does go through partners at an incredible rate.

[–] sleepmode 4 points 1 week ago

My wife destroys me in puzzle games, farm management sims and difficult platformers that make me rage like Spelunky. Any shooter however, she is a bit lost but she happily loots away and explores while I’m demolishing everything. It’s nice having a shared activity we can nerd out about.

[–] sleepmode 44 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (3 children)

Dated someone like this. She needed constant external validation. Had self-esteem issues. Narcissistic. Never satisfied. Extreme anxiety. Separation anxiety. Hot and cold all the time. Always hopping from new infatuation to the next.

I was already deep in corporate and she couldn’t understand why I was content when I found something stable. We split when I got tired of the constant cheating and dumped her. Everything was a pissing contest and she always had to win. She was furious I dumped her first, even.

She’s successful now but still never content. Found out she was bipolar which explains so much from the past.

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