
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

No worries. I know everyone is running around with their hair on fire right now across this space. Just want to keep it on the radar.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

pinging new admins here @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected]

Know you're probably really busy, and this whole space is taking off fast, but this is really, really important to maintain your and your users's safety.


[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

No idea on the current market myself. You should absolutely start looking at the rate you are being paid right now though. Just don't get discouraged about the resume gap, it's a rare field where you can make your own backfill for those gaps.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Fixed in latest update.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Fixed in latest update

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Are you planning to open source it at all?

I am also wondering this myself. I don't fault anyone for not, but may have an impact on my long term commitment with where my interest in this space is.

Also latest updates seemed to fix the issue with fold type phones.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

I’ve done a lot of low rate or entirely volunteer work for small, often non-profit organizations in the past, and don’t fall into the trap. It can be thankless and it can be soul sucking.

However, obviously if you want to eat and if this is your only income right now you’ll have to stick it out a bit. So I hope we are talking like you are virtually working no hours for that rate, leaving you time to expand your resume on your own.

I have often been asked in the past by friends or acquaintances how you get a good career in programming, and the answer typically is either luck, or a lot of your own hard work.

I don’t know what the job market is like these days, but historically your papers mean very little to getting a job. A link to your Github goes a long way to demonstrate your abilities and provides a much higher degree of confidence you know what you are doing because they can actually look at your work, and if you are contributing to other projects, that you are a team player. As one speaker said at a Google Q&A I watched when asked if a PhD would increase their chance of getting hired: “well, we won’t hold having a PhD against you”.

There is also a lot of free course material out there to various degrees of difficulty.

Programming is becoming more and more competitive, and the ones that succeed have made it their passion, which does mean a lot of unpaid work. So either find projects you are happy to provide your time to to sharpen your skill, or start your own project that you can get satisfaction in building. Actually programming something is always the fastest way to improve your skill.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Ok, so you have nothing to worry about. The subtle distiction matters to many, as evident by the engagement the subject has been getting. It's just about education, it isn't a case against Lemmy.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

It isn't that the fediverse doesn't care, it is that the primary focus here is to prevent you from being tracked. How public you are is your responsibility, as it is everywhere, but there is a degree that you have to be more cautious here.

There are discussions on how to mitigate this, but it can't be entirely solved because it conflicts with other goals such as censorship resistence and community safety.

The comment about EU is the other component. Many instances do not have privacy policies, Lemmy doesn't provide a default framework, so some admins are temporarily blocking EU if it applies to them. The ones hosted in EU will get rekt if they aren't or don't get into compliance. I offer a template to start this process of compliancy.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Everyone can see them if they use kbin and I think Mastodon. Sign up to kbin if you want to see yourself.

All admins have access, and a rouge admin could very easily mine it.

I can see an argument for it, but does make you take pause on how you will use that feature doesn't it?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Apologies. It can resonate with some, but can definitely be confusing to others. If you want clarity on anything I am happy to try to answer it plainly.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

Hey folks, guy in the cross post. Thanks for doing that @[email protected] , I feel it is an important discussion for people to be a part of across the Lemmiverse.

Seems there is some positive engagement on here, and maybe a couple that are a bit confused. I'm going to assume they aren't just curmudgeons because why would you waste time commenting if you weren't making an expression of interest in good faith, but maybe not ready to fully invest yet?

To expand on the TLDR; many new users are coming from monolith platforms (such as reddit; Meta; etc) into the brave new world of federated platforms (like Lemmy) without fully understanding the difference in privacy principles between these two models. Many, more experienced, users do not understand it fully themselves and they make potentially dangerous assertions, or at least ones that could mislead less experienced users into believing Lemmy behaves in a way that it doesn't.

It's all fine and good to say "Everything posted on the internet stays. Never post anything you don't want public", but in practice, and especially people coming from monolith platforms, they may make mistakes if they are not highly cognizant of some distinctions between the two models of public, social engagement.

If you are certain you'll never, ever have any risk of making such a mistake, the subtle distinction won't matter to you. If you aren't sure (it is very easy to trip up here) you are going to want to be educated on where some of the potential hazards are, and you will want to be very, very, very careful. Like you never have been before.

Even some of the most confident, let's call them, "perfectly private posters", often get a little shook when I inform them their votes are entirely public, when they had previously made an assumption they were not due to familiarity with a monolith platform where votes are private. It seems intuitive that they should be private here, but that is not the case. This is a very prevalent misunderstanding right now, and very eye opening to some.

I much prefer the model of federated because it really gives the user the full control of their privacy to engage to the level they are comfortable with. But it can be very dangerous if not managed appropriately.

I also feel the wider community is not doing a very good job of communicating this, which is validated by the chord it seems to have struck over on Beehaw. But I come with solutions: a haywire, but comprehensive essay on some of the things a user should be aware of. I have also started a project that provides templates for privacy policies so that admins can add accountability to their instances while also protecting themselves.

Anyway, a very complex subject many are still learning to navigate, and not something easily reduced to a tldr; As it is, this version is half the length of the original, and you would have been half way through it by now if you just went to the source.

If you have any questions, I'm here to answer them.

Privacy Policy (
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

cross-posted from:

So it seems that no instance has published a privacy policy, many users are asking about such a thing (as they should), and much confusion on how federation happens among users AND some admins. I feel this is pretty important to the survival of Lemmy to work out a privacy policy framework.

Yes, the argument that "everything on the internet stays forever" is true, but there is a big distinction between captured copies, and some of the unique data distribution / management issues that come up with a federated service. It is important to inform the user of this distinction. It is also important to inform them how early the development is.

It is going to scare the pants off some users. I'd argue an educated user on an totally public platform is far more safe than an uneducated one on a closed platform, but let the user decide that for themselves. I'd much rather scare the pants off them then have them coming for me once they get caught with their pants down and feel I didn't do enough to warn them. Can you imagine hundreds of thousands of pantless lemmings with pitchforks coming for you? Not a pretty image.

I AM NOT A LAWYER, but I have created a template based on the Mastodon privacy policy if anyone wants a basic framework to start from:

I am not overly experienced with instance management yet, but I have done my best to cover all aspects of how data is federated. Please contribute in correcting any errors.

I also feel it is important for admins to disclose the current lack of SSL support in connecting to PostgreSQL and what the local admin has done to mitigate the risk.

Issues on open on the topic of privacy policies here: and

Privacy Policy (
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

So it seems that no instance has published a privacy policy, many users are asking about such a thing (as they should), and much confusion on how federation happens among users AND some admins. I feel this is pretty important to the survival of Lemmy to work out a privacy policy framework.

Yes, the argument that "everything on the internet stays forever" is true, but there is a big distinction between captured copies, and some of the unique data distribution / management issues that come up with a federated service. It is important to inform the user of this distinction. It is also important to inform them how early the development is.

It is going to scare the pants off some users. I'd argue an educated user on an totally public platform is far more safe than an uneducated one on a closed platform, but let the user decide that for themselves. I'd much rather scare the pants off them then have them coming for me once they get caught with their pants down and feel I didn't do enough to warn them. Can you imagine hundreds of thousands of pantless lemmings with pitchforks coming for you? Not a pretty image.

I AM NOT A LAWYER, but I have created a template based on the Mastodon privacy policy if anyone wants a basic framework to start from:

I am not overly experienced with instance management yet, but I have done my best to cover all aspects of how data is federated. Please contribute in correcting any errors.

I also feel it is important for admins to disclose the current lack of SSL support in connecting to PostgreSQL and what the local admin has done to mitigate the risk.

Issues on open on the topic of privacy policies here: and


This seems to be more a problem with Lemmy as I have experienced it on other instances and probably better suited for the Github issue tracker. But I wanted to make a test post anyway so figure I'd start here and see if anyone else has experienced the problem or can direct me to active discussion already started on it.

Signup almost always hangs and just pinwheels. Tried multiple times today, FF in mobile/desktop. Chrome. Same result. Console just keeps dumping messages like 'CreatePostLike', 'RemovePost', etc., which seem to be global activity being pushed to the client (I haven't dug too deep, but I'm not actively doing anything so I can only assume it is some kind of global push updates). Likely unrelated to the signup hanging, and it happens on all pages; I realize this is all very early release stuff, but seems a bit poor form to just have console.log endlessly dumping on production to me, even in early release.

Also hangs when trying to login and the account isn't activated (attempted when I thought maybe it went through despite the hang). Never received a response such as "invalid account" or "waiting for validation"

Eventually an attempt did go through. But a second attempt has resulted in the same behaviour.

Again probably better for the issue tracker, but curious if anyone else local here has found the same issue with signup/login.

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