
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago (1 children)

I tried installing this plugin, but I got an error that I need to install Python and Visual Studio, which I have both installed. It says it needs C/C++ tools in order to work? Is there a way to fix this error?


Hello! I just downloaded and installed Pulsar. Most editors like Pycharm, or VSCodium have a built in terminal you can run in the window you are editing. Is there a plugin that will install a built-in terminal or something similar so I can edit in Pulsar and not have to run windows terminal


Hello! I'm looking to weatherproof/winterize an indoor porch, but in a more eco-friendly way. I've scoured the internet, and can only find a few, if any, tips for doing so. Any tips are appreciated!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I really like the tabtree! I wish there was a browser that had a built in code editor so you could code within the browser. That'd be cool.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

I think it's still in beta, but I could be wrong.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago (3 children)

I'll have to try that out!


Hi. I'm seriously considering using Arc as my main browser. It's based on Chrome, though, so it's heavily google-fied. But! It's similar to Vivaldi, in the sense it's unique. The tab tree is on the left and you have a split screen option in the task bar area. You can add chrome extensions also, which is great. It's semi-aimed at power users. I haven't discovered all features yet, so far I'm pretty impressed. It updates almost daily/regularly. I'm definitely gonna put it in my roster of main browsers.


Hi. Floorp released an update today, and posted something interesting also. Floorp posted the parent company Ablaze, wanted to monetize Floorp while protecting the privacy of its users. I disagree, because I enjoy Floorp being free. What do you think though?

[–] [email protected] -2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Hey comrades! I was browsing facebook alternatives and one in particular caught my eye. It's called Comrad and it's a socialist social network. I haven't tried it myself, but it sounds pretty interesting! Has anyone here given it a try?


Let me preface this by saying I'm not a fan at all of Bill Burr, but he recently went on Bill Maher's show, and said he was with the students. He's also said some inflammatory things in the past, so I'm not sure. Are we cool with Bill Burr, now?


Hi. I'm looking for an app that tells you which companies pollute. Something like No Thanks, which tells you brands that support Israel, but for companies that pollute the water or dump waste.

Does anybody know of an app like that?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Ecosia is a nonprofit and donates money from ad revenue to plant trees


Hi! I recently discovered a couple eco-friendly apps to try out. But, I'm also wondering if there are any eco-friendly social networks out there? I haven't had much luck in my search, maybe people here have heard something? Here are the apps I discovered:

Ecosia: Eco-friendly search engine. It's very well known. Everytime you search, you plant trees and in the app you can see how many trees you plant.

OceanHero: Similar concept to Ecosia. Eco-friendly search engine/browser on android. The search engine pays groups to clean up trash in the ocean.

Ailuna: Eco-friendly app that gives you tips to be more eco friendly and you can meet up with other people and join eco-friendly groups.

Earth Hero: Similar to Ailuna. You get points for every eco-friendly task you do. It gives you suggestions to be more eco-friendly and you get points when you complete a task

Last one is Earth5R: From what I gather, it's a eco-friendly social network, you can sign up for eco-friendly jobs and the like.

Give them a try and share them with family and friends.

I will be using metal straws and a thermos today when I get my coffee.


Hi. I definitely believe in ghosts, but a part of me also thinks some things can be caused by a gas leak/chemical leak, and exposed electrical wires. But my question is, do you believe in the paranormal/ghosts/demons?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago

Definitely not as many rude people on here.


I've been using Vivaldi the past couple days, and I'm liking it a lot. I like that it has a memory saver now. The workspace feature is pretty cool too. What does Lemmy think of Vivaldi? Fave feature? Bonus question: Do you use crypto browsers like Brave?


Hi. So when I'm watching a tv show or movie, and it hits me in the feels, I will think something like "Oh, this movie is wholesome, or this tv show is wholesome" Even if it has swearing in it, as long as the message is a good one. I've been on Lemmy now a couple days, and I rate lemmy super-duper wholesome. Maybe it was the question/thread I asked, but the responses I got were very nice. Lots of people love to cuddle dogs as self-care and by golly, that's just as wholesome as it gets.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 months ago

N-no? You're supposed to take the kindness and compassion you show yourself and apply it to others :/


Hello. Let's talk about self-care. Who practices self-care regularly? I've been making an absolute effort to practice self-care, and it's definitely improving my mood. I floss, meditate, do qigong, breathwork, etc. Yes, flossing is self-care, take care of yo teefs. What does everyone do for self-care? Bonus question: Where else can I post questions besides Ask Lemmy?

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