
joined 1 year ago
[Megathread] Svelte 5 (

Although it’s not released yet, here’s a link to the Svelte 5 online playground so you can get familiar with new features and syntax. Make sure to check out the documentation on that same site for more details.

If you didn’t know, you can also choose to use Svelte 5 when setting up a new svelte project using npm create svelte@latest.

Chat and ask any questions below!


In an effort to make things easier, this megathread is for all Lemmynade feedback and questions. Leave a comment below if you have ideas, found a bug, or just need help.

Lemmynade is your app, and it wouldn’t exist today without all of you early testers. I read each suggestion and take them very seriously when deciding what to include in each update.

Thanks for helping make Lemmynade! 🍋

Check back soon to see a list of upcoming features posted here.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Keep in mind it can take a few minutes or longer for some votes to come in from other instances due to how federation works. Sometimes a group of votes can get backlogged and all come in at once. Other times they’ll show instantly. It’s just a minor tradeoff to using decentralized social media

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago

Awesome, thanks for doing this!

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Also [email protected] ! Not quite as active though

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago

Earlier today, Bloomberg's Mark Gurman reported that Apple is in discussions with Google to license Google's Gemini generative large-language models to power new features coming to the iPhone as part of iOS 18.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago

You can just have a Credits/Licenses page in your legal section that lists these packages. If you’re using npm packages, you could use an npm package like nlf or license-checker to compile a list of all licenses in your dependencies


Video basically explaining how to use named grid columns to avoid those negative margins for breakout and full-width sections

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 months ago

Welcome! 🎉

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago

Oh wow, thanks for sharing. Hadn’t heard of that yet, it definitely makes it possible but that syntax will take some getting used to

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 months ago (1 children)

EasyPanel is a hidden gem. Caprover feels very robust and the main dev is really friendly. Coolify is still under development but looks very promising.

I use Caprover mostly since it supports managing multiple servers through Docker Swarm, otherwise I’d probably be using EasyPanel.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 4 months ago

What doesn’t line up is that most other operating systems including macOS support PWAs with different browser engines. That along with the fact that Apple announced this at the bottom of an article hidden under a collapsed menu, it really makes it seem like they’re trying to find an excuse to get rid of them without damaging their brand reputation. It’s no secret how profitable the App Store ecosystem is, and this is one more way they can pressure developers into it while shifting the blame to the EU

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 months ago

Yeah of course, I’m a web dev so prepare for a partial rant :)

PWAs have kinda felt like that thing Apple has reluctantly kept around to show the world that they aren’t trying to lock you into their App Store ecosystem. They’ve always been slow to implement new PWA features and address bugs (they just added notifications last year while it’s been supported on other devices for a while now). They drip-feed developers just enough PWA features and fixes to keep their brand image up, but not too much to where it could grow to threaten to their App Store profits.

Now, it feels like they finally have someone else to blame for getting rid of PWAs so they don’t look bad doing it themselves. It’s the moment they’ve been waiting for. They can keep their brand image looking good, and cut something out that has the potential to affect a bit of their profits. I would not be surprised if they start incrementally dropping PWA support the next chance they get.

Now, the only way to release an app-like experience for EU customers (one with notifications and other native features) is by going through their App Store ecosystem in some way. Meanwhile, macOS has PWA support and the ability to use whatever browser engine you’d like.

Granted, I haven’t looked in-depth into what these new policies are requiring of Apple, but for those of us that have spent years wresting with iOS Safari (sometimes called the new Internet Explorer) it sure leaves a bad taste. At the very least, it’d be nice to have some resources and recommendations from them beyond a small announcement/apology inside a collapsed menu at the bottom of a page.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago (1 children)

I know this community is for programming, but you could use a tool like n8n as a shortcut to connect services. It’s more of a drag-and-drop node grid similar to Zapier, but it’s open-source and self-hostable. You can schedule tasks to run at a certain time, code your own integrations, or install plugins that other people have made

[–] [email protected] 5 points 4 months ago (2 children)

From what I’ve seen It’s mostly been:

  • New Lemmy users trying to find an app
  • People looking for an app with specific features
  • New app announcements
  • Bigger releases and changes to existing apps

I think that content all depends on how many users and apps there are—not much you can do about that.

Maybe we could have a monthly post asking people what they want in Lemmy apps (features, ideas, likes and dislikes)? That might be a good way to bring all devs and users together to think of ways to make the ecosystem better

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I see talk here and there about how any company or individual can easily use anything we post on Lemmy however they want. This could include AI training, behavior analysis, or user profiling. With the recent news of Reddit data being sold and licensed for AI training, I thought this would be a great time to preemptively discuss how we feel about this topic and brainstorm ways to discourage unwanted use of the content we post.

I’ve seen some users add a license to the end of each of their comments. One idea might be this: Add a feature to Lemmy where each user can choose a content license that applies to everything they post. For example, one user might choose to no rights for their content (like CC0) because they don’t care how their data is used. Another user might not want companies profiting off their posts, so they’d choose a more restrictive license.

I’m eager to here everyone’s thoughts on the whole topic, so to kick things off:

  1. Do you care how your public data and posted content is used? Why or why not?
  2. What do you think of choosing a content license for your Lemmy account? Does this contradict the FOSS model?
  3. Should Lemmy have features to protect user data/content in this way, or should that be left up to the user to figure out on their own?

Data is becoming an increasingly valuable commodity in the digital world. Hopefully these big-picture conversations can help us see what we value as a community and be more prepared for the future.


Hey testers! New update just dropped.

If you're new here, Lemmynade is the refreshing web app for Lemmy, currently in development. The goal is to make Lemmy more powerful, approachable, useable, and sustainable. Follow [email protected] for announcements and updates like these.

This release brings a new compact feed style, experimental video support, and a unique algorithm to help you find interesting communities on Lemmy. Read on for the full list of changes.

Open Lemmynade →

What's New

  • Community Discovery has been added to the Search tab in three sections—Trending, Popular, and New. Most notably, the Trending communities section uses a unique blend of algorithms that refreshes with undiscovered communities every 10 minutes. Never run out of topics to follow again!
  • The Compact Feed can now be selected as Feed Style in your Appearance settings.
  • Video Support has arrived. Watch videos directly in your feed and have them autoplay as you scroll. (Note: This feature is experimental and some videos may not load. Only YouTube links and direct links to videos are supported for now. YouTube videos are partially routed through Piped or Invidious in attempt to protect your privacy.)
  • Profile Editing has been added in the Account tab.
  • You can now copy user and community mentions from the context menu. This makes it easier to mention a community or user in your comments and posts. (Tap and hold on any community name or username to show the context menu)
  • You can now search and filter your communities if you follow or moderate any.
  • You can now open direct links, videos, and images right from the ••• menu on a post.

Fixed & Improved

  • The Lemmynade icon has been redesigned based on community feedback. (You'll need to delete and reinstall Lemmynade to use the new icon if you've installed it to your home screen)
  • In preparation for sharing features and search engine indexing, Lemmynade no longer requires the access key previously listed in the community sidebar. This was a temporary measure to filter out bad actors and focus on testing.
  • The Explore tab has been renamed to "Search" for clarity.
  • On community pages, more of the description is visible so you don't need extra taps or clicks.
  • To prepare for the future ✨, Settings have been rearranged a bit. Impressive, I know.
  • Sometimes, if you got your username or password wrong, Lemmynade would tell you that your instance was not valid. This wasn't always true, so it has been fixed.
  • Local/remote indicators next to usernames and communities have been removed to reduce clutter. You can now tap-and-hold on community names and usernames to immediately see what instance they're from.
  • As a subtle nod to one of the original readers, the "My Feed" icon was changed to a newspaper.

If you have any questions or ideas, submit feedback or drop a comment below. Enjoy!

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Note: If you deeply loathe app icons, feel free to skip this post.

Hey all—hope your February is going well!

After some stellar feedback, Lemmynade will be sunsetting its old icon for a new, more refreshing one. For those of you absolutely devastated by this, rest assured—the legacy cup icon may or may not be available to use again someday.

You'll see the new icon go live next week along with the next Lemmynade release. Stay tuned!

– silas


I've been enjoying this library for advanced list filtering and search operations lately. Just wanted to share for those that haven't heard of it


I recall someone mentioning a way to do it through an ActivityPub “resolve object” endpoint (or something like that) but I couldn’t find anything on it again. #1101 will solve this, but how are you guys handling this in the meantime?

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