Lemme know if I am doing anything wrong if you downvoted please. I am sorry
To all people downvoting: Why would you downvote an image of electronic components in a technology sub of all places? It's not like user karma's a thing here anyway.
It's a SONY remote control
yup can confirm aomei partition assistant (free version) works smoothly on my machine
Tysm! It works and rn i have 77.5 ish G free shrink space! I'll try to see if $Mft::$DATA can be removed without messing up
Thanks! I'll give it a try
additional info
This is what happens when Gparted live USB is selected during boot, any fix pls
i decided to move a village inside this easternbloc-esque apartment building because it's way easier to defend. The 2 raids i completed so far have been effortless since I can simply snipe invaders with my power V bow.
this poor thing somehow managed to jump inside of glass block 🤔 possibly related, it covers several common clock designs in detail including the etho clock
disclaimer: This sandstone building is inspired by a map from a ww2 fps called Enlisted. I post stuff here as some sort of online backup of my nooby progress.