Agreed. There's nothing wrong with this message, but Pizzacake as a creator sucks.
Low effort garbage made by someone who buys upvotes in an attempt to shill her NSFW patreon.
Agreed. There's nothing wrong with this message, but Pizzacake as a creator sucks.
Low effort garbage made by someone who buys upvotes in an attempt to shill her NSFW patreon.
This would sell well AND everyone would know what greedy murderers look like so they can stay safe.
The auto industry will fight tooth and nail to avoid anything that impacts their revenue generation.
Our cold war enemy has the president of the United States in his pocket.
That's a fun map. Thank you to whomever founded Banana!
It feels like there are few things that enshitification^TM^ doesn't impact.
Never let the intolerant win.
Wait, you're telling me the files are IN the computer?
Debbie Wasserman Schultz is a corrupt criminal who should be in jail.
Spez (Steve Huffman) moderated a subreddit called /r/jailbait and now he's adding paywalls to the site. He's a pedophile with an addiction to greed.
I can see you'd rather be butthurt than constructive. Stay mad, kiddie.
The people running Reddit are so useless that they can't ban things they don't like fast enough, so they have to punish their userbase for their ineptitude.