
joined 2 months ago
[–] sheetzoos 7 points 5 days ago

The people running Reddit are so useless that they can't ban things they don't like fast enough, so they have to punish their userbase for their ineptitude.

[–] sheetzoos 6 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Agreed. There's nothing wrong with this message, but Pizzacake as a creator sucks.

Low effort garbage made by someone who buys upvotes in an attempt to shill her NSFW patreon.

[–] sheetzoos 9 points 2 weeks ago

This would sell well AND everyone would know what greedy murderers look like so they can stay safe.

[–] sheetzoos 13 points 2 weeks ago

The auto industry will fight tooth and nail to avoid anything that impacts their revenue generation.

[–] sheetzoos 11 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Our cold war enemy has the president of the United States in his pocket.

[–] sheetzoos 5 points 2 weeks ago

That's a fun map. Thank you to whomever founded Banana!

[–] sheetzoos 3 points 2 weeks ago

It feels like there are few things that enshitification^TM^ doesn't impact.

[–] sheetzoos 16 points 2 weeks ago

Never let the intolerant win.

[–] sheetzoos 3 points 2 weeks ago

Wait, you're telling me the files are IN the computer?

[–] sheetzoos 14 points 3 weeks ago

Debbie Wasserman Schultz is a corrupt criminal who should be in jail.

[–] sheetzoos 35 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (4 children)

Spez (Steve Huffman) moderated a subreddit called /r/jailbait and now he's adding paywalls to the site. He's a pedophile with an addiction to greed.

[–] sheetzoos 1 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

I can see you'd rather be butthurt than constructive. Stay mad, kiddie.

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