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[–] [email protected] 13 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (5 children)

The facts are alcohol doesn't help anyone to survive shit. We know that it's the opposite, it makes life of people that consume it more miserable.

It instead accumulates together with the stress you experience within your life. It adds more stress, not removes it. Cancer is just one thing, but alcohol is very disrupting to your endocrine (hormones) system, mental health.

What you're doing is a form of denialism. That denialism comes precisely from what those labels are addressing. You're being constantly exposed to the image of alcohol as something to enjoy, a pleasure, relief. It's constantly reinforced by movies, TV shows, media, advertisements.

It's not about knowledge. It's about exposure. If you're constantly exposed to an image of alcohol as a positive thing in your life then you will deny it's impact despite the facts, science, and knowledge

[–] [email protected] 8 points 2 weeks ago

Wow! Finally! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ It's astonishing that it took so many decades. We knew, we always knew that alcohol causes cancer. Now we also know that the risk is significant from any amount. And of course, it's not just cancer.

Those labels, they really work. Like, the society to big extend quit smoking thanks to those labels.

Policies curbing smoking weren't popular at the time, people criticized them for being too much of an inconvenience and ineffective at the same time. But they really worked and our society became better and healthier because of them. Funny, how watching the debate about alcohol now, reading people's comment here, you can actually relive this experience now just years later. When people say "they should focus on X instead", and things like that, that's a form of denialism

[–] [email protected] 14 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (1 children)

The article's specifically about Dutch data, but I suppose it's probably very similar with the most of European countries, or?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

I think a lot of good advice here, but could also additionally recommend a mobility routine, especially around hips. Poor joint mobility, which unfortunately most of us nowadays suffer from, affects quite significantly how one moves and usually results in extra stress on the knees.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago

The watch doesn't actually measure your heart rate. It measures light. You can see it has these LEDs blinking on the back. They project light on your wrist and then a sensor tries to detect movement there that looks like pulse. As you can imagine, whenever your wrist is not stable, like when running for example, this whole process gets a bit messy because wiggling of the watch is easy to confuse with the pulse. Additionally, external light that gets between your wrist and your watch will also interfere.

You could use a chest strap and it should be not just more accurate, but more reliable and have lower latency, higher resolution. But using the heart rate data is actually pretty tricky.

Personally I do interval workouts that are based on paces, not HR. Then threshold on effort and pace, just having a look if the HR is not too off. Strides purely based on perceived effort. Easy and long runs based on whatever feel easy, but calibrated based on what I know my easy Geary rate and easy pace should be (1:00-1:15 min/km slower than 10km race pace). So at the end, even though I taka a HRM on every run, I don't really rely on HR data that much. It's nice for seeing things like maybe HR is a bit higher today and I don't feel great so there's something to it, or remind you take it easy when you forget yourself for a moment, etc.

But if you were to use HR data as guidance to your training, it only makes sense if you (1) make sure that the data is reliable (meaning a chest strap); (2) calibrate zones properly using tests; (3) have an understanding of limitations like latency (you HR even if measured perfectly takes time to catch up when intensity changes - which is especially important for short reps that are like 1 min or something), but also cardiac drift, etc

If you look for a training plan that's for where you are now with your running, it should give you a good idea for what paces should be on workouts, easy/long runs, etc. And I'd really recommend that. Those Garmin workout suggestions are always going to make not so much sense because it's all just based on a few numbers that don't represent reality well and are very specific to individuals, have a lot of caveats, and don't really tell the whole story. I suspect Garmin and other companies just release all this kinda features because it just sells well - "magic AI coach that analyses your data and give you suggestions". But the truth is that a lot of it just useless metrics and numbers, and having them displayed all the time in your face will often actually make your running worse.

Running's a very simple sport. If you take a proper training plan and just execute it, you're almost guaranteed to get better, be injury-free.

[–] [email protected] 44 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

The "logic" goes like this: (sarcasm)

It's ok to burn down the planet for profit. It's ok to destroy the ecosystem on which we all depend for food, clean water. It's ok to make bombs and sell them to those dropping them on hospitals and children. It's ok to pollute the air with deadly particles no one can avoid.

But you just CANNOT... you just CANNOT be in a way of someone carrying a few tons of steel of a metal cage through a city. That's not something that we as a society will accept

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago

Not an issue if one uses VPN for HTTPS traffic like in the blog post.

But I guess similarly one should be mindful about the VPN traffic too. The cloud provider would technically be able to sniff unencrypted traffic - like HTTP.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

"I could add you to our group chat. Do you have Signal?" Just that. No questions asked. No convincing to anything. Either "Yes" or "Let me just download". Surprised honestly how many people either have it already or at least know it. Obviously might not work if you ever talk to the person 1-1, but starting a group chat only takes 2 people πŸ˜‰