
joined 2 years ago
[–] schwim 3 points 1 year ago

Rather than rely on an extension, I think I would add the publicly listed up ranges to my hosts file. That will blackhole any connections where a browser extension wouldn't actually stop anything until it was being processed by the extension.

[–] schwim 2 points 2 years ago

Morning coffee.

[–] schwim 21 points 2 years ago

One could say they're killing it off.

[–] schwim 4 points 2 years ago

I feel like the people that believe these machines to work as advertised will be easily convinced that their true inner workings are too advanced for the non-indoctrinated to understand.

[–] schwim 5 points 2 years ago (2 children)

I'm looking forward to this getting printed and put up on eBay as I collect the gadsden meme flags. I've got the Beavis, Johnny5 and the no step flags in my garage. I know there's a chance that a VA local will shoot me on principle if they end up in the garage and take offense at the collection but the flags call to me.

[–] schwim 17 points 2 years ago (1 children)

$6,000 worth of hearing aids later, I remain unimpressed.

[–] schwim 1 points 2 years ago

My wife and I bought her last car at CarMax and it was absolutely haggle and pressure free. We had spent hours prior at a Honda dealership and the pressure for so heavy, it had my wife in tears. We will always use either CarMax or private party in the future.

[–] schwim -4 points 2 years ago

You know you're screwed up when a kiddie fucker calls you backward.

[–] schwim 9 points 2 years ago (1 children)

That episode is probably the main reason I could never trust an anonymous entity not to send an email telling my loved ones I'm dead prematurely.

[–] schwim 13 points 2 years ago (6 children)

The better question to ask is why is the accompanying photo of a woman pointing 4 fingers at me?

Air-cooled F1 (
[–] schwim 2 points 2 years ago

I block communities that routinely show up that I am not interested in seeing and use a monkey script to block instances of no value to me.

[–] schwim 4 points 2 years ago

All of the buggy style bodies of the era looked like the Manx. Bruce Meyers lost in patent court, the body shape being deemed "unpatenable", so everyone began making what basically amounted to clones of the Manx.

pan scraper (

OP states that it's up for trades(FB).

pop-outs galore (
A Schwimmthing (
Custom DoKa (

OP stated that the owner built it himself.


Unfortunately, no info on this build.

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