
joined 2 years ago
[–] saywhatisabigw 5 points 4 days ago (3 children)

Could have used a better picture for the article. I'm guessing the author is not aware this is powered by a nuclear reactor....


I have a Roomba j9+ and it has been stuck in a software update state for a week. It will not vacuum in this state. Is there any way to recover from this?

[–] saywhatisabigw 2 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Could it be suspended due to power saving settings?

[–] saywhatisabigw 2 points 4 months ago (2 children)

It's because you are making extreme claims without any sources.

[–] saywhatisabigw 11 points 4 months ago

The wall didn't add that much value to the property. It's overly improved in a non standard way. For instance. No one would buy it for what they assessed it's value.


On a picnic blanket or in a car. With reasonable privacy.

[–] saywhatisabigw 29 points 5 months ago

Completely incompetent police woke up the entire state.


Will AMD release a Ryzen 9000 processor analogous to the Ryzen 9 7900? Non x variant.

[–] saywhatisabigw 1 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Openwrt works on the edgerouter-x. Dig it out of the closet and flash it.

[–] saywhatisabigw 2 points 9 months ago

ICQ and prodigy online service were killer products.

[–] saywhatisabigw 67 points 9 months ago (12 children)

Next can we get ICQ?

[–] saywhatisabigw 14 points 10 months ago

Dating websites

[–] saywhatisabigw 18 points 11 months ago (3 children)

Someone who gets the verification database will be able to blackmail people. Will have a picture of you and that you watch XYZ kinky porn.


Is there a list or map of the most over the top light displays in DFW? Talking about individual home displays.


U.S. circuit court upholds Texas pornography age verification law | KXAN Austin -


What if we never found the Rosetta Stone and could not read ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics. Could computers or AI decipher them today?

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