
joined 3 years ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

DistroWatch rankings are meaningless, but it's nice to see Void get more attention. It's still vastly underrated and I see it as a perfect distro


Web hosting is my tech weakness, despite how easy gemini is.

I'm having trouble in getting any script to run. I've set my configuration file correctly following the readme, with DocBase set as root/ (everything is under gemini/) and CGIPaths to [root/cgi-bin].

The script is a simple python hello world print along with the 20 text/gemini\r\n header printing before. However, navigating to the file just outputs the contents of the script and doesn't actually run it. I'm not sure if I'm somehow setting CGIPath incorrectly and if anyone else has used the software for dynamic content.


Don't mind the pretentiousness of the photo.

I'm not entirely sure when the watch was made. The seller's description said 1960s, but I'm hesitant to believe that there would be watches in production with the NKVD logo 20+ years after its dissolution.

Anyway, the watch face has cryllic letters spelling out "Lenin" and "Stalin", with the NKVD hammer + sickle logo w/sword for the 12 o'clock hour.

The USSR had planned to make watches earlier in its history, but the outbreak of WWII slowed their plans down. The name "Pobeda" stands for Victory, and was the name chosen by Stalin himself to commemorate their success in the Great Patriotic War. I believe many of these watches were also given to workers as commemorative prizes for exemplary behavior.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 years ago

I feel those in whatever you'd call the general opem source community that stand against the GPL are the perfect example of "freedom" loving libertarian techbros. They can't stand the idea that something could restrict their desire to do whatever they want at the expense of others.

Libre software allows everyone to own the software in some capacity without the ability to suck it for profit.