Latino America

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Hub for news/discussion on all of Latin America and the Caribbean.

Centro de noticias/discusión sobre todo Latino America y el Caribe.

founded 4 years ago

Es un crimen que se puedan lanzar bombas incendiarias contra la embajada cubana. Es una admisión de la participación oficial de Estados Unidos en este crimen que nadie haya sido capturado. Pero no es ni mucho menos el peor crimen que el imperialismo yanqui ha cometido contra el pueblo cubano. Bloquear la economía cubana, calumniar a Cuba de “terrorista” es un crimen mucho peor.

El año pasado, cuando la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas votó sobre el levantamiento del bloqueo a Cuba, el levantamiento del bloqueo ganó, por 185 a 2. Sólo [una neocolonia] se unió a Estados Unidos para votar en contra de Cuba. Dos Estados canallas. Y los gobiernos de los otros 185 países están convencidos de que es un disparate llamar a Cuba un estado terrorista.

Así que si el ataque a la embajada cubana ha llamado más la atención sobre la flagrante mentira utilizada para hacer sufrir al pueblo cubano, utilicemos esa atención para movilizarnos y conseguir que Cuba sea eliminada de la lista. Ya existe una petición para exigir precisamente eso. Ya ha recorrido más de un tercio del camino hacia el objetivo de un millón de firmas.


-derechista y el meme de los dos botones


Following Wednesday’s presidential meeting, Maduro and Xi supervised the signing of 31 bilateral cooperation documents focused on boosting collaboration in areas from oil, scientific development and tourism to “enriching the variety of trade goods.”

The main agreements include [the People’s Republic of] China’s support in the construction of [the Bolivarian Republic of] Venezuela’s special economic zones (SEZs), poverty reduction efforts and boosting the South American nation’s national electric grid, significantly strained due to a years-long lack of investment.

The allied nations likewise signed an agreement between China Meheco pharmaceutical company and Venezuela’s public health system to transfer technology and knowledge for the maintenance of medical equipment, to build and remodel hospital facilities, as well as to supply medicines and materials to the Caribbean country.

In a special broadcast of his weekly program from China, Maduro went on to highlight that Caracas will begin exporting agricultural products such as coffee and avocados to the Chinese market.

One aspect of the new China-Venezuela alliance that caught international headlines was the agreement for space exploration, which will “take the first Venezuelan man or woman to the moon on board a Chinese spacecraft,” said President Maduro. In July, Venezuela became the first Latin American country to join the China-led International Lunar Research Station (ILRS) to build a base near the moon’s south pole within the next decade.

Additionally, Caracas and Beijing agreed to deepen cooperation between legislative bodies and advance collaboration in industrial, green and sustainable development, mining projects, digital economy, culture and education exchange.

libertad? (
submitted 9 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

que es ser libre en el capitalismo?


la burguesia le rompe los huevos incluso a dios


Haitian popular organizations quickly expressed opposition to the new intervention.

As chair of the U.N. Security Council for August, the U.S. intends to hold a vote authorizing Kenya to send 1,000 police officers to Haiti towards the end of August and to lead a multilateral force now being formed.

These Kenyan police will not be under U.N. command. The U.N. has zero popular support in Haiti; it introduced cholera into Haiti twice, and its troops have a reputation for brutal treatment of Haitian protesters.

The cost of U.N. operations in Haiti from June 2004 to October 2017 was estimated at $7 billion, and Haiti still is the most underdeveloped country in the Western Hemisphere.

primer post (
submitted 10 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]



In romance languages, the adjective usually comes after the noun, unlike in English where it comes before. A proper way to write it in Spanish/Portuguese would be "América Latina" as América is also a grammatically female noun. (And "Amérique latine" in that other language). I'm not sure if it is some sort of reference that I just missed, but I figured it'd be better to point it out in case it was just a simple mistake. If the intent was instead to have "Latino" be the noun, it'd be more correct as "Latino Americano" or "Latinoamericano".


Currently, neighborhood groups are handing out machetes and setting up checkpoints to keep gang members out.

According to a New York Times report June 3, there has been a very sharp reduction in kidnapping and killing following the killings of gang members. The Times proclaims concern about vigilantism, that is, the self-organization for combat within the community independent of the police, and speculates about a potential reaction from the gangs.


Ecuadorians are angry about the insecurity, the governmental incompetence and Lasso’s total indifference to the needs of the masses. People remember that life was better six years ago — before Lenín Moreno became president, before the COVID-19 pandemic, before prison massacres and surging street violence.


La Vía Campesina (the International Peasant’s Movement) on May 20, demanded that Lasso must “Respond immediately to the serious social crisis that Ecuador is facing, with high rates of hunger and child malnutrition, poverty, migrations, unemployment of almost half of the population, lack of investment in health and education, and an out-of-control level of violence and insecurity due to criminal gangs.”

The peasants’ group also demanded “Lasso must refrain from deepening neoliberalism, extractivism, the privatization of basic services, the handover of natural goods — oil, mining, the radio-electrical spectrum — to transnational corporations.”


The vast majority of those imprisoned at Petit-Goâve and throughout the Haitian prison system have not yet been tried or convicted of a crime. In fact, of a prison population of 11,580 persons as of May 2021, only 2,071 had been sentenced. Across Haiti, there were an estimated 80 to 100 prisoners who died of malnutrition and lack of medical care nationwide last year.

The United States has funded the construction of four prisons in Haiti since 2013. However, given its dominant influence over and funding of the Haitian National Police and its prison system, the U.S. bears responsibility for the deplorable conditions that characterize all of Haitian jails today.


Sobre los tres puntos, y empezando por el último, el gobierno venezolano (con razón) ha dicho que no tiene sentido seguir dialogando si no se cumplen los acuerdos. En noviembre del año pasado se firmó un acuerdo para liberar 3 mil millones de dólares en fondos venezolanos congelados en el extranjero. Los recursos se usarían a través de agencias de la ONU en salud, educación y reparación de infraestructuras.

No obstante, la oposición y sus aliados (que congelaron las cuentas venezolanas) no han cumplido el acuerdo. No es descabellado pensar que EE.UU. busca presionar al gobierno venezolano de todas las formas posibles.


The United States has traditionally used the excuse of “gang violence” as justification for intervention in Haiti, ignoring the fact that it has not implemented the arms boycott Washington has declared would prevent the weapons from reaching Haiti.

The violence has driven people from their homes. Tens of thousands of Haitians have been internally displaced. Schools have closed and institutions like hospitals have had trouble functioning.

The progressive newspaper Haïti-Liberté has called on all patriots, young and older, to join together and create a self-defense force for the whole nation.


En dicha ocasión, Lula, el presidente de Brasil señaló que “si por mi fuera, impulsaría una moneda única en la región”. Es una voluntad individual y personal, pero me parece que este acuerdo entre China y Brasil marca una tendencia o un rumbo de cierta voluntad expresada por el presidente brasileño de que América Latina y el Caribe transite por otros carriles en la cooperación monetaria y financiera.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia expressed solidarity with Argentina and opposition to the presence of Kosovar troops in the Malvinas. They expressed surprise that “such a step comes from a permanent member of the Security Council, which, as is known, is the highest U.N. body in charge of preserving international peace and security.” (United World, Dec. 28, 2022)

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