There was a band called Bananarama. This is suggesting ramabanana. Could also be a good band name.
Sharts are more likely to occur during earthquakes. You know...all the shaking.
Sweet. Thank you.
Keeps getting better. Thank you. I notice that Thunder doesn't show votes with your comments in your profile but it does on posts. Is this by design?
The only way to get rid of the divorce stigma is to get married again. I already used that trick once.
It's probably the tools at the top. They call the shots.
Mmm. Chocolatey Liftoff.
Yes your workaround works around this. Thank you.
I agree with you and I live in the US. I've been single for 20 years...but I was married before that so I'm divorced. I guess you can never be single again.
The results button results in a 404.
Great as always. Would it be possible to swipe up on the bottom bar to open?