Thanks for the recommendation! I'll definitely have to check it out sometime. :D
Good. One less piece of trash in the country
Well... that's why I didn't say everything. :p
It's natural selection. If they don't learn that their actions have consequences, they'll never change
I'm glad to be part of that 22%.
America can rot in hell for all I care at this point
The right likes the Constitution. They just like picking and closing what parts apply on any given day.
Technically aren't a lot of things just societal concepts if you think hard enough about them?
Given how shitty a lot of big corporations are, I think this was handled pretty well actually
Wonderful. Nothing like the US backing state sponsored terrorism. Not that it's anything new...
Because unfortunately we're a selfish country. That's just how it is...
Good for them. As an American I fully support them fighting back against our bullshit
I'm just glad to be part of a community that seems to have some shread of human decency left. That's not all too common here in the States these days.