He's clearly sexually aroused in her body
You know what's really "potentially harmful"? Flushing down the toilet nearly 60 years of creative work of all those people who come before you for a mediocre episode.
Chibnall did a space rodeo in his last episodes which lead to destruction of the DW universe (literally and as in-series). So I'll welcome gladly RTD keeping action on Earth or anywhere as long quality is as in the "old times" - his or Moffat's
Somehow I'm still not convinced for Harris in these specials but we will see
Btw: https://onion.tube/watch?v=nCC2iJeWLZc - done in the old style
Years ago Microsoft was about to be broken into separate entities and that didn't happen - corporations went too deep into politicians pockets
Pytanie o zgodę użytkownika o śledzenie, profilowanie to nie był chybiony pomysł - źle wyszło jego zaimplementowanie. To wszystko powinno być konfigurowalne z poziomu przeglądarki - peferencje prywatności czy obsługa zasobów takich jak czcionki (zresztą, przeglądarki używają czcionek lokalnych od momentu powstania, to zdalne czcionki są relatywnie nowym rozwiazaniem).
There's still this Totally-Not-Legolas-Romulan-Ninja who could do the job
Drunk on prune juice?
Only for Ian McKellen
Aye, Porco Rosso (1992) - about an... Italian pig ex-pilot who chases air pirates around Adriatic Sea. Couldn't not recommend <3
How blocking affects pi temperatures? Is it same as idle?
That's clearly a hidden quest giver - you need to pet em first
They live and they drink their favorite beverage