When someone criticizes Israel and not all jews, yes.
People on Lemmy are so confident in this sentiment, you guys are kidding yourselves so fucking hard. Many many people are not going to vote at all because of the Israel support. Things are clear for you, sure. But the blind assumption that this will have no effect is straight up delusional
Like, how is this the top comment in this thread? Just dismissing the possibility of this actuly having an effect, almost exactly mirrors the sentiment when the DNC snuffed Bernie
The antisemitism card isn't effective anymore, bud. Cried wolf way too many times.
I feel like the fact that this is downvoted is showing the disconnection that Lemmy has as a hub for tech inclined users, I know many people waiting to buy the portal and while I know it's kind of a useless device, it works for a lot of people and $200 is at about that sweet spot.
Agreed but zombies make it too easy for shit writing to succeed. Zombies are slow, fast, smart, brainless, loud, quiet, strong, weak, all at the plot's convenience.
Zombie media is trash in general. If you're a shit writer, zombies are for you. Not surprised when that's the main selling point.
Players get mad ate when I say this because we're 'playing an rpg not a number simulator'
Don't you guys use WhatsApp though as the base messaging app?