
joined 1 year ago
[–] riot 15 points 1 week ago

I played the demo on Steam yesterday, and had a lot of fun with it. I really look forward to seeing what they come up with in the full release.

I'm so happy that it's getting more normal for studios to release free demos. I've been playing a lot of hours of Aloft too, and I gotta say, it really makes me more interested in buying the game when it comes out, than I otherwise would be.

[–] riot 2 points 3 weeks ago

You're an absolute champ! Wishing you all the best with this project going forward, and I look forward to using it more :)

[–] riot 11 points 4 weeks ago (2 children)

What a super cool idea, and I love the implementation! I do however keep accidentally downvoting, when I want to upvote, and vice versa, since all other sites that I've ever used, display the upvote first, and the downvote second. Any chance of a toggle for that in settings?

A must-have feature for me is the ability to collapse comments on posts. Right now it seems like we can only collapse replies to comments, or put differently, we can only collapse child-comments. Any chance you could make it possible to collapse parent comments too?

[–] riot 42 points 1 month ago

I was curious too, so I went to the Wikipedia page:

The goal is to attain liberation in the body, by sealing in the energy of bindu in the head so that it is not lost.

Haṭha yoga is a branch of the largely spiritual practice of yoga, though it makes use of physical techniques; it was developed in medieval times, much later than the meditative and devotional forms of yoga. Its goals however are similar: siddhis or magical powers, and mukti, liberation. In Haṭha yoga, liberation was often supposed to be attainable in the body, made immortal through the practices of Haṭha yoga. Among its techniques were mudrās, meant to seal in or control energies such as kundalini and bindu. Khecarī mudrā is one such technique.

tl;dr - A spiritual practice of yoga in Hindu metaphysics.

[–] riot 8 points 1 month ago

tbf, it seems like his relationship with animals was really hit or miss:

Diodorus Siculus recorded a story of Menes related by the priests of the crocodile god Sobek at Crocodilopolis, in which the pharaoh Menes, attacked by his own dogs while out hunting fled across Lake Moeris on the back of a crocodile and, in thanks, founded the city of Crocodilopolis.

[–] riot 3 points 1 month ago

Jeg har ikke benyttet mig af Bandcamp, andet ind en håndfuld gange over årerne, og i stedet blot brugt Spotify. Men jeg står og skal til at flytte i en større lejlighed nu, og tænker at jeg gerne vil have en NAS server sat op der. Få overført alle mine nuværende fysiske medier, og så begynde at støtte kunstnere igennem Bandcamp. Så ville være interessant at se hvad folk lytter til herinde, måske jeg kan blive inspireret :)

Ellers er et af de første jeg vil støtte, The Wanton Bishops, et lebanesisk blues rock / psykedelisk rock band. Pt. er jeg helt skudt i Bad Liver and a Broken Heart fra deres Sleep With the Lights On album.

[–] riot 7 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

As an extra PS to anyone reading this, this is also possible on Chromium browsers, should you use that instead.

Edit: Just for those notorious for not reading the article ;)

[–] riot 3 points 1 month ago

I would be very excited to explore the in-game locations. Hopefully feel really immersed in the universe! And as /u/[email protected] mentioned, I hope it will be possible to solve conflicts through diplomacy. That has always been Star Trek's biggest draw for me, that it isn't just about combat and fighting.

[–] riot 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

The Clipboard History is indeed a part of Windows 10. But I was wondering how PowerToys enhanced the functionality of it.

[–] riot 1 points 1 month ago (3 children)

I took a look through my power toys settings, but couldn't find anything there that had to do with the win+v clipboard history. Google hasn't been any help either. What is it that I'm overlooking? How does powertoys improve the clipboard history feature?

[–] riot 34 points 1 month ago

Yeah, they look like they're upside down, what the hell. lmao

[–] riot 2 points 2 months ago

Don't know if you're looking for desktop software specifically, but back in the day I used Medisafe on my phone, and that would definitely be my first port of call, if I had to start keeping track of that stuff again.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by riot to c/[email protected]

Some screenshots I took, wandering around the world of Cloudpunk. I still have yet to actually finish the game, but I just love the ambience of the world. Absolutely gorgeous.

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