Trump: “Don’t worry, me and Putin got this.”
True. Things would need to escalate towards some night of the long knives (in minecraft) of the republican party for either Trump or Elmo to gain absolute power.
These guise don’t even know how to win.
Who needs to be president? Dance for me, orange man.
guy with a beard goes on cross
Member when Bezos wanted to solve product reviews to make their search work better? Some time ago, Amazon just gave up and surrendered to the hellscape it has become.
We can only hope. Putin is pretty good at playing king of the hill and is still backed by China.
The current status quo is also not sustainable, so they have to try some solutions. There’s an opportunity to go from actual federation to paid subscriptions and none of those will solve everything.
Isn’t it the opposite of getting shitty? Sell something of value?
More jobs and cheap groceries? Gotta be more jobs and cheap groceries.
Usually tiktok is the most responsive feed out of all the platforms if you scroll away from some specific content asap. It will not try to push it again and again.