the ps3 is retro then?
Those new colors in your paintings really make them greatly diverse; but what about the background? i think it would be nice to have some diverse ones too
can't you already do that? by clicking on the "new chat button" and pasting the phone number i can start the chat without adding to contacts; at least on whatsapp business that works
Get a cheap computer and connect the tv to it; get a mouse and bluetooth keyboard or an air mouse if your want to; install kodi perhaps, or just have your bare desktop. Problem solved
Disconnect the tv to wifi too.
i didn't meant for it to be understood
the questions wasn't regarding you, it was regarding everyone else
election fraud
monopolistic social media owned by big tech american companies, like X, Instagram and Facebook.
i live in Brazil, and would be 100% down with X being banned, even Instagram or Facebook if necessary.
anything that came out before 2011