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[–] rhino_hornbill 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

However, because of the poorly understood mechanism and long time scale it operates on, most people that try Bromantane end up giving themselves insomnia, decide they don't like it, then give up. Also only the nasal spray ROA seems to be effective... https://www.reddit.com/r/NooTopics/comments/119454s/bromantane_experience_and_questions/

Personally I disliked Bromantane when I tried it for a month long cycle, but then I did another cycle with ALCAR included and I cannot express enough how great this drug is. I just started a third cycle because the effects have started to wear off.

[–] rhino_hornbill 2 points 1 year ago

some very interesting claims collected in this... check this one out:

Coryphantha compacta

C. compacta is believed to be the Tarahumara híkuri known as "bakánawa." Bakánawa, like most híkuri, is both respected and feared as a god, and considered to have a soul and human emotions. It has been recorded as both more powerful, and as only second in power, to L. williamsii. To some populations of Tarahumara, particularly those of Guadalupe, it is (was) their primary híkuri, being valued instead of L. williamsii.

It is held that if one keeps bakánawa in their possession exceeding three years it will convert from a good medicine to an evil one that causes insanity, therefore one must sell it or hide it after the third year. Of interest are speculations by Thord-Gray that this belief may have originated through a shaman so "that he might sell more of the plant." It is also believed that by either losing or burning this cactus one can become insane, sick, or even die. In some cases it is considered so "strong" that it can only be touched by the shaman.

C. compacta is a powerful medicinal panacea and is masticated and applied to the body to cure all imaginable ills. It is boiled for use as an internal medicine and the juice is applied externally for lung troubles. A chewed ointment of C. compacta is rubbed on the legs of foot-runners for three days prior to the traditional races and is kept in waiting by the shaman should the runner tire. The plant may also be carried in the runners' belts to make them swift and fearless and to frustrate the evil spells cast by their opponents. It is believed that the runner who offends bakánawa will slow in speed and eventually die.

Many Coryphantha species bear an array of alkaloids, and even though only this one species is substantiated as híkuri, it can be suspected that others also have had sacramental and medicinal value. Anderson regards C. compacta and C. palmeri as synonymous.

[–] rhino_hornbill 7 points 1 year ago

I would rather have serious papers about unusual topics, not joke papers.


Please share your most interesting research papers with us

[email protected]

I'm hoping for something in between news.ycombinator.com and /r/highstrangeness, with some biology thrown in for good measure. But post whatever you want. Research papers are preferred but well written wikipedia posts, etc, are fine as well.

[–] rhino_hornbill 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I've been trying to find accounts of historical use of sinicuichi, but it seems very little information was recorded and the traditions have died out.

Sinicuichi is an interesting hallucinogen, causing yellowed vision and audio distortion. Unfortunately, its use is likely to result in terrible, painful, full body cramping the next day. Erowid has some accounts of contemporary usage: https://erowid.org/plants/sinicuichi/sinicuichi.shtml

There seems to be a theory that fermentation of the plant (leaving a paste of the leaves in a container in the sun for a day, like people do for Kanna) is necessary to remove whatever the toxic component is, but some of the erowid accounts report cramping after fermentation anyway.

I would love to know how this plant was used ritually - did they just accept the cramping? Is there a consistent way to prepare the plant? Are there different strains? Too bad we genocided everybody that could tell us.


Can anyone get the full text of this? It is not on scihub.

[–] rhino_hornbill 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I think you understand the mechanism fine, I mean it's literally in the name of the attack: embrace, extend, entinguish. You said it yourself: "Google killed XMPP but 99% of XMPP users were Google Talk users anyway"

That's what we are afraid of - a future where the vast majority of fediverses users are owned by Facebook, and the federation will slowly start to "accidentally" break until normal users are forced to join meta to interact with the new communities that develop there. Federation would allow Meta to use your content, for free, to attract naive users into this trap.

[–] rhino_hornbill 0 points 1 year ago (4 children)

False equivalence, anything with network effects are vulnerable to EEE attacks. Here's a whole list of decentralized protocols google killed: https://drewdevault.com/2018/05/03/Google-embraces-extends-extinguishes.html I'm sure you're familiar with the Microsoft examples already.

Linux has a benevolent dictator at the helm. A community does not.

[–] rhino_hornbill 1 points 1 year ago (6 children)

I'm excited to tell you things can be both good and bad, and you no longer need to use this juvenile style of thinking.

[–] rhino_hornbill 1 points 1 year ago

A large portion of the money will end up in the hands of anonymous billionaires. Ever since Jeffrey Epstein got arrested and we found out many billionaires engage in a global slave trade, willingly giving them more money is just willfully funding pedophilia. This applies to all instances of giving corporations money when there's a way around it. Piracy is just the lowest hanging fruit.

[–] rhino_hornbill 3 points 1 year ago (11 children)

Exactly, there's a moral duty to hinder large corporations whenever possible. Same reason pirating is ethically necessary.

[–] rhino_hornbill 2 points 1 year ago

How are y'all planning on dismantling a centralized authoritarian dictarship without establishing a dictatorship of our own? Asking about your "also fuck tankies" header text.

[–] rhino_hornbill 1 points 1 year ago

Herbs can obviously contain powerful ingredients, but I'm surprised at the amount of case studies where a lavender scent alone was enough to trigger hormonal disruption. Are essential oils actually psychoactive?

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