A man I admired greatly. Thank you.
So it's not particularly brilliant poetry, but the sentiment is making it a bit difficult for me to see my screen at the moment.
We spent quite a bit of time re-typing!
When I was in high school, one of my friends had TRS Model II.
Sunday nights after church we would turn on KGON, dig out a programming magazine and type in the code presented there. Then play Pong, or Asteroids or whatever other game we had just "written". When we were done, we'd save it to casette tape for later.
The most Presidential of any ex-President. I and admired him greatly for many years. A truly decent human being. The world is poorer for his departure.
Alright, I'll give it a shot.
I love the Blues, but Captain Beefheart doesn't speak to me at all. I think your usage of "avant garde" is exactly right.
I absolutely do not understand Captain Beefheart. I have some on my media server but it is all rated 1-star.
Fascinating read! Thanks for sharing.
I re-watched Commando last year. Forgettable except for that scene which I remembered almost exactly from the first time I saw it.
I don't think it's that one, though that pilot is a pretty smart fella!
It's this one...
The smart guy: You really think you can fly that thing?
The pilot: You really think you can do all that bullshit you just said?
When my wife PCSed from Long Island to Fort Knox we made several trips where we passed through West Virginia and I was always blown away at how gorgeous it is.