John Krasinkski is e best Jack Ryan on screen. He's the perfect guy for the role.
This is fucking shitty behavior.
I think this is the right answer. Dude literally tapped out. That shows a huge lack of leadership.
That's really a valid point.
My favorite Tarantino.
Boredom after some period of time, you will have some everything there is to do.
Forgive me, but I think I need an ELI5 here please.
Thanks for taking the time to write all that. It was good to read. I'm sorry you had to deal with all that. Glad you have your feet under you.
I'm a bit appalled by the lean repayments and you've given me something to think about.
Thank you.
Holy shit, that's tragic. The loss of so much skilled labor is a huge loss in so many ways. I congratulate you on building something awesome, and I'm sorry you lost it.
What do you do now?
Thanks for the thoughtful comment.
Of course some are. Hell I'm married to a Soldier and I see predators preying on young Soldiers all the time. "Use your enlistment bonus to buy this cool Challenger! You'll only be paying 20%!" (I didn't believe those who take these loans should have them forgiven either).
I'm unsure that student loans can be placed in that category. Perhaps if you got a student loan for Trump University (or any other for-profit University) I'd consider it predatory. But most people know full well what they're doing when they choose to go to university, and choose to borrow to do so.
As I said in the post that you responded to, I think making the debt dischargeable in a bankruptcy would make lenders far more cautious about who they make a student loan to, and that would start solving the problem as university's would actually have some pressure on the price of the education they would like to sell you.
A while back a woman died after eating at a Disney restaurant and being assured that the food she was ordering was allergen free. Disney responded very poorly to the husband's suit, but I wonder if the Disney employee believed things were allergen free because of one of these hacked menus.