
joined 2 years ago
[–] reversebananimals 30 points 9 months ago

Fuck Overwatch 2. They took one of the greatest games ever made and butchered it into AAA micro transaction garbage.

[–] reversebananimals 15 points 9 months ago (2 children)

Forever. When you convince people the other side are blood drinking child killers who want to commit "genocide" on the "white race" and brainwash their children, they are going to stop at nothing to try and destroy that other side.

When these people call Biden Satan, remember - they actually BELIEVE Satan is REAL.

[–] reversebananimals 15 points 9 months ago (1 children)

I checked my Pixel 6A direct from Google and I do have it. You have to tap "Show system apps" in the top right menu.

[–] reversebananimals 8 points 9 months ago

this hurts my heart

[–] reversebananimals 4 points 10 months ago

How much are you willing to spend?

Boot: If you're skating on roads, there's no ambiguity - get a hard boot. The adjustment from ice skates won't take long and it's a much more pleasant experience.

Mounting system: id say avoid trinity mount if you can. It reduces your options for changing your frames later on - 165 and UFS are more common

Wheel configuration: this is the Goldilocks decision for all skaters. Every config has pros/cons and there's no "right" choice. If you're planning to rec skate on roads, get at least 80mm wheels and dont get a slalom rocker. Beyond that it's up to you. Your main options are (1) 4x flat, (2) 3x flat and (3) 4x "wizard rocker". 4x flat is the classic. feels the most stable, but takes more work to manuver if you get 84mm or above size wheels. 3x flat let's you get big wheels and still be manuverable, but puts you higher off the ground which makes it harder to balance. 4x "wizard rocker" means your front and back wheels are about 1mm off the ground, which let's you get bigger wheels but still maneuver very easily, however these are slightly less stable at high speed.

I stret skate in a big city. I started with flat 4x84 then moved to 4x90 wizard (endless 90 frames). I skate my endless frames exclusively now, but i have had to adapt how I carve at high speed going downhill.

As for wheels and bearings: tldr bearings don't really matter, and for wheels get 85A hardness and buy good expensive ones. You'll notice a big feel and speed difference and they will last longer.

If you lmk your price range I can give some specific product recs! Happy skating!

[–] reversebananimals 5 points 10 months ago

This is another one of those features that I'll immediately find in settings and turn off when the update drops.

[–] reversebananimals 90 points 10 months ago (9 children)

Trump had nothing to do with this. All tech stocks dropped today. Shit article.

[–] reversebananimals 40 points 10 months ago (5 children)

Thanks, I figured this was bullshit but I wasn't going to click a Sky link.

[–] reversebananimals 1 points 10 months ago

Nope, I haven't. Only from you. You're fighting strawmen you made up yourself once again.

[–] reversebananimals 1 points 10 months ago (2 children)

LMAO you're the guy on the Internet who claimed I was ignorant without any knowledge about me. If you want to make ad hominem attacks, don't be surprised when you get them back. Can't take your own medicine?

I'm sad ppl like you exist.

[–] reversebananimals 19 points 10 months ago

And ironically, the only reason BG3 succeeded is because WOTC had nothing to do with it.

[–] reversebananimals 6 points 10 months ago

This guy is calling people "Grandpa Biden" as an insult in other threads. I wouldn't take what he has to say about COVID too seriously. He's clearly a Fox News nutjob.

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