The segway itself could've lived up to the hype.... If it were as affordable as a vespa! it could have taken over that non-highway travel niche but it cost 10 times as much and had less range. The hype was tone deaf to the average person's disposable income. You can't revolutionize the world if only independently wealthy people can afford your toy. I'm sure that wealthy tech bro ceo was very out of touch with working Americans wages. Later he died by driving off a cliff on a segway.
You see them and their successors now in crowded pedestrian spaces (often for security guards) and it's arguably less intrusive than a skater but with long distance potential. That said I think the monowheel electric skateboards are the best thing for that now and not nearly as expensive.
Yeah, you don't need to enable it. If it detects a touch device it listens to it automatically. Drivers are standardized too so you shouldn't need to update or install anything. IMO touchscreen features in W10 and W11 are one of it's best qualities... Apple/iOS really shot itself in the foot by doubling down on touchscreens being for ipads & phones only.