How much you wanna bet the author of that post also has a fetish for farts?
Most of what I've seen in the news so far is due to content based on shitposts from reddit, which is even funnier imo
Ah, so that's why the other UCs had private security and temporary surveillance cameras up all day today.
I'm more embarrassed for Microsoft tbh
It's a shame the companies exploiting the cheap labor won't face similar repercussions.
Automating the closing of accounts and whatnot for the deceased is a good idea. Everything else... not so much. I don't think many people would want a AI chatbot pretending to be them when they're gone.
Good for people with disabilities, but I don't plan on using such features.
Could only read part of the article due to a paywall, but it sounds no different than having imaginary friends.
Had to look up why sea turtle meat would kill, since it's not reported in the article.
Carcinisation 🦀🦀
Came back to it for about a year during covid lockdown, had a great time in faction warfare, but quit when they raised their monthly subscription prices. Not worth it. You hardly get half the game play without a sub. Game is too much of a grind even with a sub, so most ppl multibox. Bots are rampant too.
Apparently the warrant was served only after an discovering evidence from an unrelated (or semi-related?) arrest? The article didn't specify if his ransomware worked, but I doubt it did if it was mostly GPT-generated. I guess the intention and confession is enough to make charges stick though. Wouldn't be surprised if whatever GPT service he used also flagged him as suspicious and led authorities to him.