Leeeeeeeerooooooooooy Jenkiiiiiiins
I bought a gameboy color and a EZFlash cart and can play any GB or GBC games on it.
My one was pre-modded with an IPS screen but I have also modded one myself and it wasn’t overly difficult.
There’s something about playing on an original Nintendo machine lol
Any time I’ve gone to a festival I’ve taken one look at the toilets and my butthole has closed up until I get home.
I bought a Dell R720 rack server for less then £300 and I use it to run a whole heap of virtual machines under ProxMox, as well as a load balancer. It has 2 8 core Xeon processors, 64GB of RAM and 2TB storage so more than enough for my needs.
Definitely not small form factor though :D
Flashforward could have done with a second season. I felt like it was just getting going when it was cancelled.
I tried pretty much every Mastodon app on iOS at the time I moved over from the Birdsite to Mastdodon, and I settled on Toot! I like the UI and it does everything I need. I still use the web portal sometimes if I happen to be on my laptop.
As someone who has both an M1 MacBook Air and an M1 iPad Air I’d say if possible get the MacBook as you’ll almost certainly get more out of it.
That said the iPad Air is a great device when paired with the Apple Pencil 2, GoodNotes 5 and a Bellemond Matt screen protector (it makes writing feel nicer).
I’d always choose a laptop over a tablet though personally.
Until very recently I was running one of the old black polycarbonate MacBooks as a server. I replaced OSX with Ubuntu and it worked a charm.
I still have it and could still use it if I wanted to but retired it as I bought a dedicated server.
Imagine eating nothing but hard boiled eggs for days and then letting rip with a massive eggy guff right there in a space craft. They’re not exactly massive lol
Ok then mr smarty pants, what do you use as a lubricant when shoving pancakes in there?
Just don’t ask me to fix a drive plate
It would be very difficult to give an exact date due to Apple’s submission process. It can take a day, it can take weeks.
It is possible to set a fixed date that you want your app to release but there’s still no guarantee your app will be approved before that date.
Also Memmy isn’t quite ready yet although the dev is making great progress.
Hopefully on the app is submitted it doesn’t sit at the “under review” stage for too long.